السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،
This website provides resources for teachers at a community computer lab, and provides all curriculum for outside organizations. The lessons are available as one-time classes, multi-session classes, and basic overviews, and the topics include Email, File Management, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet Safety, Facebook, Lynda.com, Internet job searching, and Basic Computer Skills.
This nonprofit serves the library community and has a repository of technology training materials contributed from libraries around the world.
طورت المكتبات والمنظمات التالي ذكرها في السطور القادمة من خلال مواقعها على شبكة الإنترنت برامج تدريبية تكنولوجية رائعة للجمهور وجعلتها متاحة مجاناً للمكتبات والمنظمات الغير ربحية الآخرى، وفيما يلي تفاصيل تلك البرامج:
Connect Your Community (CYC) program
The Connect Your Community (CYC) program provides broadband training, equipment and support for low-income households in seven separate communities – Cleveland; Akron; Appalachian Ohio; Detroit, MI; Lexington, KY; Manatee County, FL; and Winston-Salem/Forsyth County, NC.CYC is funded through a grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Broadband Technology Opportunities Program. The CYC has created and adapted community technology training materials and administrative documents which are publicly available with a Creative Commons License in formats easily edited. Categories include Computer Literacy, Digital Literacy. Electives, and HomeConnect (getting and setting up a home computer). There are also modules available in Spanish.
Hennepin County Library - Hennepin County, Minnesota
(Scroll down to: Public Training - Computer Course Outlines and Handouts)
Hennepin County Library has shared their public training materials through their extranet. Class materials for many essential classes are available for download, including Computer Basics, E-mail, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OpenOffice, and Social Networking.
Hennepin County Library has shared their public training materials through their extranet. Class materials for many essential classes are available for download, including Computer Basics, E-mail, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OpenOffice, and Social Networking.
This website includes archived webcasts, podcasts, training materials such as handouts and PowerPoints, as well as other resources for training. InfoPeople is a statewide LSTA project that functions as the training arm of the California State Library.
Milwaukee Public Library – Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee Public Library’s Computer Class Curriculum website includes English and Spanish versions of their public computer training materials. Topics include: Computer Basics, Internet Basics, Internet Search Tools, Email Basics, Word Processing, Spreadsheets, PowerPoint, and the Invisible Web.
PRIMO: Peer-Reviewed Instructional Materials Online
PRIMO is hosted by ALA’s Association of College and Research Libraries to share peer-reviewed instructional materials created by librarians to teach people about discovering, accessing and evaluating information in networked environments. Currently includes over 145 projects.
Tenderloin Technology Lab
This website provides resources for teachers at a community computer lab, and provides all curriculum for outside organizations. The lessons are available as one-time classes, multi-session classes, and basic overviews, and the topics include Email, File Management, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet Safety, Facebook, Lynda.com, Internet job searching, and Basic Computer Skills.
This nonprofit serves the library community and has a repository of technology training materials contributed from libraries around the world.
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