السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،
Presenter: Jacob Nadal
From self-check in and self-check out machines to vending machines and sorters, there’s a solution out there for libraries of every size and for every budget. Self-check in machines with small sorters can get your library staff out of the back room and out onto the floor where they can deliver services to patrons. Vending machines don’t need staff at all but provide another way (and location) for getting material to patrons. And self-checkout machines aren’t just one trick ponies anymore.
Event Date: Thursday, February 9, 2012- 3:00 PM EST - 60 minutes
Moderator: Dodie Ownes, Editor, SLJTeen
Event Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2012- 2:00 PM EST - 60 minutes
Date & Time: Thursday, February 9, 2012 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CST
Date & Time: Friday, February 10, 2012 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CST
Date & Time: Thursday, February 16, 2012 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CST
Date & Time: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CST
Date & Time: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CST
Scheduled Event Date: Thursday, February 16, 2012
Moderator: Andrew K. Pace, Executive Director, Networked Library Services, OCLC
Moderator: Marc Futterman, President and CEO, CIVICTechnologies
Can’t make it on February 24? No problem! Register now! and you will get an email reminder from Library Journal post-live event when the webcast is archived and available for on-demand viewing at your convenience!
Credits or CEUs: none
مع خالص تحياتي وتقديري،
السادة زوار المدونة الكرام، أقدم لكم مجموعة جديدة من الندوات المهنية المتخصصة في مجال المكتبات والمعلومات والتى يتم عقدها وبثها عبر شبكة الإنترنت مجاناً، وفيما يلي عرضاً مفسراً لها:
WebJunction webinars
"Building Bridges #4: Your Library's Future"
Date & Time: Thursday, February 2, 2012 ♦ 2 pm Eastern / 11 am Pacific ♦ 60 min.
Duration: 1 hour
Description: Join OCLC, host Chrystie Hill, WebJunction's Director of Community Services, and guest speakers for a series of four free webinars designed to inspire and engage public libraries on topics of vital interest. Each program in the series will offer practical advice on issues that are top-of-mind in public libraries. In this one-hour online OCLC session, the fourth in the series, Martin Gomez, City Librarian at Los Angeles Public Library, will answer your questions and give practical advice about the continued success of public libraries in our changing environment.
"Cloud Computing 101"
Date & Time: Thursday, February 9, 2012 2:00 pm
Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00)
Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00)
Program: WebJunction Events
Duration: 1 hour
Description: "Cloud computing" seems to be all the rage, but what actually is it? This overview presentation will explain what cloud computing offers libraries, how libraries are using these services, and what you should consider when thinking about using a cloud service in your library. A distinction between services for end-users and services for organizations will be made, explained, and illustrated, as well as the terms used to describe cloud services. Learn how quick and easy it now is to deploy applications “in the cloud” using tools such as Google Docs, Google App Engine, and Amazon’s Web Services, among others. Resources for further exploration will be included.
*If you require Closed Captioning in order to attend this webinar, please contact Jennifer Peterson by February 3 petersoj@oclc.org. *You will be sent a registration confirmation email and a reminder email the day prior to the event.
"Twitter for Job Seekers: Tips for Helping Your Library's Job-seeking Patrons"
Date & Time: Thursday, February 23, 2012 2:00 pm
Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00)
Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00)
Program: WebJunction Events
Duration: 1 hour
Description: Twitter is one of the best online tools for networking and job seeking. Whether browsing job postings or connecting with people in your field, Twitter offers something for everyone. This session will cover tips and techniques for helping patrons network and find jobs on Twitter, and provide your library with ways to use Twitter in support of job seekers. Learn how you can use "tweets" to extend and augment your library services, showcase the resources and programs you provide job seekers and demonstrate the powerful connections you create in your library community.
Presenters: Brooke Roegge, digital information specialist, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (@PositivelyMN); and Andrea Snyder, manager, Job & Career Information Center, Enoch Pratt Free Library/Maryland State Library Resource Center (@JobCenter_Pratt).
*If you require Closed Captioning in order to attend this webinar, please contact Jennifer Peterson by February 17 petersoj@oclc.org. *You will be sent a registration confirmation email and a reminder email the day prior to the event.
Infopeople webinars
"Children’s Literature Update 2012"
Date & Time: Thursday, February 2, 2012
Start Time: Pacific - 12 PM, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM
Start Time: Pacific - 12 PM, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM
· Frustrated that you cannot think of a recommendation when a child asks for a “good book to read?”
· Tired of recommending the same books because you can’t think of anything new to recommend to a child visiting the library?
Discover the new books that you can recommend to children who use your library! Hear about books published in 2011, and upcoming Spring 2012 titles, that will be popular with children ages 0-12. These include picture books, easy readers, transitional fiction, genre fiction for middle grades, graphic novels, poetry, nonfiction, and more! Hear about books that will appeal to the “reluctant reader,” boys who may have drifted away from reading, and books that will have popularity with a wide audience of children.
At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will:
· Be able to identify “read-alikes” – other books you can recommend to children after you find out their favorite book
· Discover books that will grab the attention of reluctant readers, including the newest graphic novels for kids, nonfiction including “gross” topics, and popular culture titles
· Hear a recap of the recent ALA awards (such as Newbery, Caldecott, etc.) and other recent children’s book awards, to make sure you have these available to recommend
· Take away a list of helpful websites to use when doing readers’ advisory, and sites that will help you keep up-to-date on the latest children’s books
This webinar will be of interest to any library staff or volunteer who serves children ages 0-12, in either public or school libraries.
Webinars are free of charge and registration is only done on the day of the event on the WebEx server. No passwords are required.
Do you require an accommodation for an Infopeople webinar? For this service, please complete and submit a request form at least 72 hours before the webinar: Request Form
Speaker's slides:
· Notes and Bookmarks:
Available for contracting: No
"Storing and Managing Digital Collections"
Date & Time: Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Available for contracting: No
Presenter: Jacob Nadal
"Youth Media Activities in Your Community: Teaching Digital Natives"
Date & Time: February 8, 2012
Start Time: Pacific - 12 PM, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM
Start Time: Pacific - 12 PM, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM
Description: Engaging today’s youth through technology is critical to reach a generation that has had access to advanced technology throughout their entire educational and personal lives. Reaching this “tech generation” may seem overwhelming as the proliferation of technology advances and the ever-changing trends make it difficult to determine what efforts will be effective. This webinar will focus on what you can do to educate and engage youth using technology.
In this webinar, attendees will:
· Find out how prevalent technology is in the lives of youth.
o Take a look at the facts
· Understand the opportunities to incorporate technology into your youth programs.
o Check out what other libraries are doing
· Determine where to start.
o Receive tips and tools to engage youth using technology.
· Learn how to get things moving.
o Receive resources that can assist you with next steps.
By the end of this webinar attendees will have the basic knowledge to incorporate technology into your programs engage and educate youth.
This one-hour introductory webinar will be of interest to library staff that are ready to embrace online technologies to engage their young patrons.
Webinars are free of charge and registration is only done on the day of the event on the WebEx server. No passwords are required.
Do you require an accommodation for an Infopeople webinar? For this service, please complete and submit a request form at least 72 hours before the webinar: Request Form
Speaker's slides: Not yet available
Available for contracting: No
"Top Tech Trends in Materials Handling"
Date & Time: Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Start Time: Pacific - 12 PM, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM
Start Time: Pacific - 12 PM, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM
· Does your heart sink every time you walk into the back room and see rows of full book carts waiting to get checked in or shelved?
· Ever wish there was a small, affordable sorter that would work for your library?
· Are you under the mistaken assumption that you need RFID to use automated materials handling systems?
· Are the lines at the circ desk getting longer and longer as more people rely on the library for their books, magazines and DVDs?
· Ever considered putting in vending machine in your community but weren’t sure how they work or what they cost?
With the economy in such bad shape, more people are turning to the library for services and material. To deliver services, libraries need staff. To circulate material, libraries need staff … or do they?
There are affordable technologies on the market today that can reduce the number of library staff that need to be involved in basic materials handling functions. Some technologies help staff be more efficient. Other technologies take the workflow out of the staff’s hands entirely.
At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will:
· Learn about five new low cost solutions for supporting materials handling functions
· Be able to identify at least three types of self-service technologies that patrons like which also reduce materials handling work for staff
· Learn the pros and cons of six different materials handling solutions
· Understand that sorters are NOT just for big libraries with large spaces
· Learn that routing slips pre-sorting can be eliminated when using a central sorter for interlibrary delivery
· Be able to identify at least ten vendors that provide automated materials handling products
· Understand that RFID is not necessary for implementing automated materials handling
· Learn about the materials handling systems that are becoming common in libraries
This webinar will be of interest to library directors and managers and other staff involved in materials handling.
Webinars are free of charge and registration is only done on the day of the event on the WebEx server. No passwords are required.
Do you require an accommodation for an Infopeople webinar? For this service, please complete and submit a request form at least 72 hours before the webinar: Request Form
Speaker's slides: Not yet available
Available for contracting: No
"Libraries, We Mean Business: Best Ideas from LJ’s Best Business Books of the Year"
Date & Time: Thursday, February 16, 2012
Start Time: Pacific - 12 PM, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM
Start Time: Pacific - 12 PM, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM
· Have you been called on to be a library leader or manager?
· Are you responsible for marketing?
· Do you have an interest in organizational dynamics?
· Looking for ways to stay aware of ideas and approaches from current business literature?
As libraries are seeking ways to meet the needs of their communities in a challenging economy, leaders can turn to best business models and practices for ideas and inspiration.
During this webinar, presenters will review Library Journal’s 2010 Best Business Books of the year; select and discuss relevant techniques and strategies from books pertaining to management, leadership, marketing and organizational dynamics; and provide practical examples for applying these practices in your own library.
At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will:
· Be familiar with the latest literature on management, leadership, marketing, and organizational dynamics.
· Be able to identify and apply smart business models and innovative practices for the library environment.
· Acquire ideas for implementing change and marketing strategies.
· Be familiar with effective management and supervision tools and techniques.
This webinar will be of interest to library staff in any type of library who want to lead, implement change, and increase visibility of their library services.
Webinars are free of charge and registration is only done on the day of the event on the WebEx server. No passwords are required.
Do you require an accommodation for an Infopeople webinar? For this service, please complete and submit a request form at least 72 hours before the webinar: Request Form
Speaker's slides: Not yet available
Available for contracting: No
"TechSoup for Libraries: Technology Resources and Donated Software"
Date & Time: Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Start Time: Pacific - 12 PM, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM
Start Time: Pacific - 12 PM, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM
This webinar will be of interest to California Public Libraries only.
Presented by the California State Library and TechSoup.
Description: Whether you're a regular TechSoup for Libraries user or haven't heard of them until now, this webinar designed specifically for California public libraries will show you something new about the variety of free services offered to libraries and nonprofits.
TechSoup, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is working toward a time when every nonprofit, library, and social benefit organization will have the technology resources and knowledge they need to operate at their full potential.
During this one-hour webinar, attendees will learn how to register and request over 400 donated and discounted products from more than 40 donor partners — including Microsoft, Adobe, Cisco, Intuit, and Symantec, and take a virtual tour of other free resources in TechSoup's tech arsenal including:
· TechSoup's up-to-date articles and library spotlights
· community discussion forums
· free webinars and tweetchats
· technology news
· and more!
This webinar will be of interest to staff in California public libraries who want to learn more about how they can benefit from all the free services TechSoup has to offer.
Webinars are free of charge and registration is only done on the day of the event on the WebEx server. No passwords are required.
Do you require an accommodation for an Infopeople webinar? For this service, please complete and submit a request form at least 72 hours before the webinar: Request Form
Speaker's slides: Not yet available
Available for contracting: No
The Blended Librarian Events
"Building a Successful Online Learning Community for Librarians: A Conversation with Steve Hargadon"
Date & Time: Thursday, February 9, 2012
3-4pm EST
3-4pm EST
Description: In this interview session with renowned educational technologist Steve Hargadon, our first question will likely be “Steve, how do you manage so many projects simultaneously.” A review of his website reveals that Hargadon manages or participates in multiple online communities and produces several online interview series that feature leading educators and technologists. Hargadon is also recognized for launching the Library 2.011 Conference that was attended by over 5,000 participants from countries around the globe. In this webcast we’ll learn more from Hargadon about managing successful online communities, and how to get one’s colleagues engaged in sharing ideas and information in virtual environments. Hargadon will reflect on the Library 2.011 Conference, and share what’s next. We’ll also be hearing Hargadon share his thoughts about the future of higher education, technology for teaching and learning, and libraries in an increasingly digital world.
Registration: There are a limited number of free seats that are available on a first come first served basis. Please log in early to obtain your seat. If you are already a member of the Blended Librarians Online Learning Community here is a link into the Learning Times Network that will get you to our Community and enable you to join the webcast: http://home.learningtimes.net/library?go=6025033
To join the Blended Librarians Online Community in order to participate in the webcast (no fee to join):
2. Click on the “Join” button on the home page of Blendedlibrarian.org and follow the instructions.
3. When you reach the screen that asks for the "invitation key" enter the word: blended
4. Once you receive confirmation of your Learning Times account you can participate Blended Librarian events. Look for the “enter now” button to access this webcast the day of the event.
5. We recommend that those participating in the webcast obtain a microphone or headset in order to make use of the VoIP technology that allows conversation between the speakers and participants. A microphone or headset is not required to participate.
6. Please plan on allowing yourself sufficient time to log in to the webcast. If it is the first time attending a Learning Times event it may take a few extra minutes to log on to the Elluminate webcasting software. Once you have joined the Blended Librarian Online community, you may wish to try the “test room” to make sure your computer is set up and ready to go the day of the webcast.
School Library Journal Webinars
"SLJ Nonfiction Spring Book Buzz"
Sponsored By: Black Rabbit Books, Lerner Publishing Group, Enslow Publishers with School Library Journal
Event Date: Thursday, February 9, 2012- 3:00 PM EST - 60 minutes
Description: The world around us is constantly changing and evolving; the same should be said of your nonfiction collection! The Egypt of one year ago no longer exists, new social networking tools have been created that complicate teen relationships more than ever, and movements like Occupy Wall Street have redefined activism. It is important for your students and young patrons to have the resources they need to research and understand the society in which they live as well as communities beyond their borders.
The Nonfiction Announcements Spring 2012 one hour webcast will include titles for grade levels three through 12, both in series and non-series formats.
The Nonfiction Announcements Spring 2012 one hour webcast will include titles for grade levels three through 12, both in series and non-series formats.
· Jonathan Strickland, Black Rabbit Books, Associate Publisher
· Lindsay Matvick, Lerner Publishing Group, Senior Publicist
· Mark Enslow, President, Enslow Publishers
Moderator: Dodie Ownes, Editor, SLJTeen
Can't make it on February 9? No problem! Register now and you will get an email reminder from School Library Journal post-live event when the webcast is archived and available for on-demand viewing at your convenience!
"SLJ Teen Spring Book Buzz"
Sponsored By: Beyond Words Publishing, Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Children's Book Group, Harlequin Teen with School Library Journal
Event Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2012- 2:00 PM EST - 60 minutes
Description: It's time to start your spring cleaning, and nothing can few freshen up your shelves better than the new season's crop of great teen reads! This webcast will feature title presentations Beyond Words Publishing, Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Children's Book Group, and Harlequin Teen. A few highlights-the crazy-fun graphic novel Teen Boat! from dynamic duo Dave Roman and John Green; meeting Ricki Jo, who sheds her rural simple persona to become Ericka at her new high school in The Queen of Kentucky; for young entrepreneurs, Better Than a Lemonade Stand! Small Business Ideas for Kids; and the vampire lovers will enjoy the apocalyptic The Immortal Rules.
This Teen Book Buzz Spring 2012 one hour webcast will include titles for all your teen readers, from fans of paranormal and romance to aspiring artists and writers.
This Teen Book Buzz Spring 2012 one hour webcast will include titles for all your teen readers, from fans of paranormal and romance to aspiring artists and writers.
· Georgie Lewis, Marketing Manager, Beyond Words Publishing
· Victoria Stapleton, Director of School & Library Marketing for Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
· Lisa DiSarro, Associate Marketing Director, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Children's Book Group
· Natashya Wilson, Senior Editor, Harlequin TEEN
Brie Edmonds-Ashton, Marketing Manager, Kimani TRU
Brie Edmonds-Ashton, Marketing Manager, Kimani TRU
Moderator: Dodie Ownes, Editor, SLJTeen
Can't make it on February 14? No problem! Register now and you will get an email reminder from School Library Journal post-live event when the webcast is archived and available for on-demand viewing at your convenience!
Booklist webinars
"What’s New in YA: 2012"
Date & Time: Tuesday, February 7, 2012 1:00 pm
Central Standard Time (Chicago, GMT-06:00)
Central Standard Time (Chicago, GMT-06:00)
Duration: 1 hour
Description: Get a preview of what 2012 holds in store for teen readers during this free, hour-long webinar. Representatives from Egmont USA, Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group, Sourcebooks, and Disney Book Group will share their leading titles for spring and beyond. Booklist Books for Youth Associate Editor Ann Kelley moderates.
"Books for Youth Alert: New Titles for 2012"
Date & Time: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 1:00 pm
Central Standard Time (Chicago, GMT-06:00)
Central Standard Time (Chicago, GMT-06:00)
Duration: 1 hour
Description: Join us for a free, hour-long webinar featuring publishing representatives who will fill you in on their leading titles for spring and beyond. Sponsored by Holiday House, Penguin Young Readers Group, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, and Perseus/Running Press. Moderated by Booklist senior editor Ilene Cooper.
Texas State Library Webinars
"Tech Tools with Tine: 1 Hour of Dropbox"
Date & Time: Friday, February 3, 2012 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CST
Description: Want a concise demo of how one tool works from a veteran software trainer with a little library context thrown in? Well, that's our Tech Tools with Tine series! In this Webinar, Tine will focus on Dropbox -- a free and powerful tool that allows you to store and transfer large electronic files.
Presenter: Christine Walczyk, is currently a PhD candidate at the University of North Texas in Library & Information Science. She has 10+ years in libraries and is a former software trainer. She is currently an independent technology/library consultant with Trainers-R-Us.
Ce Credit: This program qualifies for one (1) hour of Texas State Library Continuing Education credit or one (1) hour of SBEC Continuing Education credit for school librarians (SBEC provider identification #500799). However, printed Certificates of Completion will not be issued for this event. Instead, a follow-up email will be sent several days after the workshop to individuals who logged in and attended the live Webinar. Attendees are advised to save and/or print the follow-up email as it will serve as proof of attendance for CE purposes. Effective 5/25/11, CE credit is now available for group viewings of live Webinar events -- please follow the Group Webinar Viewing procedure listed in our Frequently Asked Questions at: http://www.tsl.state.tx.us/ld/workshops/webinars/faqs.html#groups
If you have any special needs or requirements in order to participate in this Webinar, please email ld@tsl.state.tx.us at least 2 weeks in advance.
Please DOUBLE CHECK your email address after typing -- you will NOT receive the information needed to participate in this event if you do not provide a valid, correct email address.
If you have any special needs or requirements in order to participate in this Webinar, please email ld@tsl.state.tx.us at least 2 weeks in advance.
Please DOUBLE CHECK your email address after typing -- you will NOT receive the information needed to participate in this event if you do not provide a valid, correct email address.
"App Development: The Why & How"
Date & Time: Thursday, February 9, 2012 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CST
Description: Join Corinne Hill as she discuss why Dallas Public Library pursued a library app and how it was designed and implemented.
Presenter: Corinne Hill has been in the library business for 17 years. During this time she has managed public service, technical services, library technology, and is currently the Interim Director of Libraries at Dallas Public Library. Beginning March 1st she will be the Executive Director of Chattanooga Public Library in Chattanooga, Tennessee. She is active in ALA and TLA. Her professional interests include the management of library operations, fiscal management and responsibility, and identifying and implementing library trends, such as benchmarking and the use of new technology. In 2009 Corinne started TLA’s Lariat Award which calls attention to outstanding fiction published during the year, and in 2011 she started removing reference desks and making her staff mobile using hand held technology.
Ce Credit: This program qualifies for one (1) hour of Texas State Library Continuing Education credit or one (1) hour of SBEC Continuing Education credit for school librarians (SBEC provider identification #500799). However, printed Certificates of Completion will not be issued for this event. Instead, a follow-up email will be sent several days after the workshop to individuals who logged in and attended the live Webinar. Attendees are advised to save and/or print the follow-up email as it will serve as proof of attendance for CE purposes. Effective 5/25/11, CE credit is now available for group viewings of live Webinar events -- please follow the Group Webinar Viewing procedure listed in our Frequently Asked Questions at: http://www.tsl.state.tx.us/ld/workshops/webinars/faqs.html#groups
If you have any special needs or requirements in order to participate in this Webinar, please email ld@tsl.state.tx.us at least 2 weeks in advance.
Please DOUBLE CHECK your email address after typing -- you will NOT receive the information needed to participate in this event if you do not p
If you have any special needs or requirements in order to participate in this Webinar, please email ld@tsl.state.tx.us at least 2 weeks in advance.
Please DOUBLE CHECK your email address after typing -- you will NOT receive the information needed to participate in this event if you do not p
"Tech Tools with Tine: 1 Hour of Shelfari and Goodreads"
Date & Time: Friday, February 10, 2012 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CST
Description: Want a concise demo of how one tool works from a veteran software trainer with a little library context thrown in? Well, that's our Tech Tools with Tine series! In this Webinar, Tine will focus on Shelfari and Goodreads -- two social cataloging websites for books that librarians everywhere should know about.
Presenter: Christine Walczyk is currently a PhD candidate at the University of North Texas in Library & Information Science. She has 10+ years in libraries and is a former software trainer. She is currently an independent technology/library consultant with Trainers-R-Us
Ce Credit: This program qualifies for one (1) hour of Texas State Library Continuing Education credit or one (1) hour of SBEC Continuing Education credit for school librarians (SBEC provider identification #500799). However, printed Certificates of Completion will not be issued for this event. Instead, a follow-up email will be sent several days after the workshop to individuals who logged in and attended the live Webinar. Attendees are advised to save and/or print the follow-up email as it will serve as proof of attendance for CE purposes. Effective 5/25/11, CE credit is now available for group viewings of live Webinar events -- please follow the Group Webinar Viewing procedure listed in our Frequently Asked Questions at: http://www.tsl.state.tx.us/ld/workshops/webinars/faqs.html#groups
If you have any special needs or requirements in order to participate in this Webinar, please email ld@tsl.state.tx.us at least 2 weeks in advance.
Please DOUBLE CHECK your email address after typing -- you will NOT receive the information needed to participate in this event if you do not provide a valid, correct email address.
If you have any special needs or requirements in order to participate in this Webinar, please email ld@tsl.state.tx.us at least 2 weeks in advance.
Please DOUBLE CHECK your email address after typing -- you will NOT receive the information needed to participate in this event if you do not provide a valid, correct email address.
"Libraries as Content Collaborators & The Life of a Production Librarian"
Date & Time: Thursday, February 16, 2012 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CST
Description: Join Library Journal Mover and Shaker Eli Neiburger, Associate Director of IT & Production at the Ann Arbor District Library, as he expands upon his compelling argument that one way for libraries to remain relevant in this current technological era is to become producers of and/or collaborators on their own content. Eli will talk about AADL's approach to digital projects, and how Production Librarians at AADL work with community partners to bring new content to the web. He'll also cover the infrastructure and skills necessary for libraries to move in this direction, and how to get started without a budget.
Ce Credit: This program qualifies for one (1) hour of Texas State Library Continuing Education credit or one (1) hour of SBEC Continuing Education credit for school librarians (SBEC provider identification #500799). However, printed Certificates of Completion will not be issued for this event. Instead, a follow-up email will be sent several days after the workshop to individuals who logged in and attended the live Webinar. Attendees are advised to save and/or print the follow-up email as it will serve as proof of attendance for CE purposes. Effective 5/25/11, CE credit is now available for group viewings of live Webinar events -- please follow the Group Webinar Viewing procedure listed in our Frequently Asked Questions at: http://www.tsl.state.tx.us/ld/workshops/webinars/faqs.html#groups
If you have any special needs or requirements in order to participate in this Webinar, please email ld@tsl.state.tx.us at least 2 weeks in advance.
Please DOUBLE CHECK your email address after typing -- you will NOT receive the information needed to participate in this event if you do not provide a valid, correct email address.
If you have any special needs or requirements in order to participate in this Webinar, please email ld@tsl.state.tx.us at least 2 weeks in advance.
Please DOUBLE CHECK your email address after typing -- you will NOT receive the information needed to participate in this event if you do not provide a valid, correct email address.
"The Accidental Library Marketer"
Date & Time: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CST
Description: If you find yourself doing PR, promotion, or marketing as part of your job, but you never formally learned how, then you’re an “accidental marketer” -- and you're not alone! Hear the basic tenets you never had a chance to learn as well as advanced tactics. Get the real reasons why many patrons don’t attend programs and why the media doesn’t always cover your events. Learn what “true marketing” is and why it can make your hard work pay off more often. This webinar will be led by the author of the book, The Accidental Library Marketer, author/trainer/consultant, Kathy Dempsey.
Ce Credit: This program qualifies for one (1) hour of Texas State Library Continuing Education credit. However, printed Certificates of Completion will not be issued for this event. Instead, a follow-up email will be sent several days after the workshop to individuals who logged in and attended the live Webinar. Attendees are advised to save and/or print the follow-up email as it will serve as proof of attendance for CE purposes. Effective 5/25/11, CE credit is now available for group viewings of live Webinar events -- please follow the Group Webinar Viewing procedure listed in our Frequently Asked Questions at: http://www.tsl.state.tx.us/ld/workshops/webinars/faqs.html#groups
If you have any special needs or requirements in order to participate in this Webinar, please email ld@tsl.state.tx.us at least 2 weeks in advance.
Please DOUBLE CHECK your email address after typing -- you will NOT receive the information needed to participate in this event if you do not provide a valid, correct email address.
If you have any special needs or requirements in order to participate in this Webinar, please email ld@tsl.state.tx.us at least 2 weeks in advance.
Please DOUBLE CHECK your email address after typing -- you will NOT receive the information needed to participate in this event if you do not provide a valid, correct email address.
"Writing Good Press Releases and Working with the Media"
Date & Time: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CST
Description: Learn the art of writing press releases and communicating with the media with author/consultant, Kathy Dempsey, the woman who literally wrote the book on this topic! Kathy’s book, The Accidental Library Marketer, is widely consulted by librarians that suddenly find themselves chief marketer for their organization. She’ll provide both good and bad examples of press releases and show how facts can easily be compiled to form a good press release. Kathy will also review common mistakes librarians make when working with the media. Lots more advice on managing those sticky calls from the media, so don’t miss this one!
Ce Credit: This program qualifies for one (1) hour of Texas State Library Continuing Education credit. However, printed Certificates of Completion will not be issued for this event. Instead, a follow-up email will be sent several days after the workshop to individuals who logged in and attended the live Webinar. Attendees are advised to save and/or print the follow-up email as it will serve as proof of attendance for CE purposes. Effective 5/25/11, CE credit is now available for group viewings of live Webinar events -- please follow the Group Webinar Viewing procedure listed in our Frequently Asked Questions at: http://www.tsl.state.tx.us/ld/workshops/webinars/faqs.html#groups
If you have any special needs or requirements in order to participate in this Webinar, please email ld@tsl.state.tx.us at least 2 weeks in advance.
Please DOUBLE CHECK your email address after typing -- you will NOT receive the information needed to participate in this event if you do not provide a valid, correct email address.
If you have any special needs or requirements in order to participate in this Webinar, please email ld@tsl.state.tx.us at least 2 weeks in advance.
Please DOUBLE CHECK your email address after typing -- you will NOT receive the information needed to participate in this event if you do not provide a valid, correct email address.
Library Journal Webinars
"Meet the Power Patron: Insights from Patron Profiles"
Event Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Event Time: 1:00 PM EST/10:00 AM PST
Sponsored By: Library Journal
Description: Patron Profiles is a new quarterly publication from Library Journal, based on in-depth, trended research among a national sample of 2000+ public library consumers. Hear from a team of experts on how to use this research and other unique tools to shape your library’s future at this free webcast. You’ll get an exclusive look into our findings detailing who uses public libraries, why, how that use may change, and how library use connects to consumer behavior. This webcast will look at how libraries can meet the needs of their Power Patrons—the heaviest library users in their communities and voracious media consumers as well as explore trends in mobile technology, best practices for tapping research and how to use the data behind the demand to shape services.
· Alison Circle, Marketing Communications, Columbus Metropolitan Library (OH). Alison Circle has been Marketing Director for Columbus Metropolitan Library since 2004. In that capacity she has developed integrated strategies around branding, social media, ebooks and other emerging technologies. In 2010 that work was recognized with the Library Journal‘s Library of the Year. In 2011 Library Journal recognized her work with the Mover & Shaker award.
· Jeanne Goodrich, Executive Director, Las Vegas-Clark County Library District (NV). Jeanne Goodrich has been the Executive Director of the Las Vegas-Clark County Library District since 2009. Prior to that position, she worked for ten years as an independent library management consultant. Jeanne has been a director or deputy director in Oregon, California, Nevada and Idaho.
· Lisa Carlucci Thomas, Library Consultant at design think do http://lisacarlucci.com/dtd
Lisa Carlucci Thomas is the Director of design think do, providing technology, new media, and creative services consulting to libraries and organizations. A 2010 Library Journal Mover & Shaker, Lisa’s previous experience includes managing access services, e-resources, and digital collections at Yale University and systems and digital initiatives at Southern Connecticut State University. Follow Lisa on Twitter at @lisacarlucci.Moderator: Rebecca T. Miller, Patron Profiles series editor and School Library Journal Editor-in Chief
Lisa Carlucci Thomas is the Director of design think do, providing technology, new media, and creative services consulting to libraries and organizations. A 2010 Library Journal Mover & Shaker, Lisa’s previous experience includes managing access services, e-resources, and digital collections at Yale University and systems and digital initiatives at Southern Connecticut State University. Follow Lisa on Twitter at @lisacarlucci.Moderator: Rebecca T. Miller, Patron Profiles series editor and School Library Journal Editor-in Chief
Can’t make it on February 15? No problem! Register now and you will get an email reminder from Library Journal post-live event when the webcast is archived and available for on-demand viewing at your convenience!
"Building a Library Aware Community: Making the Connection"
Sponsored By: NoveList/EBSCO
Scheduled Event Date: Thursday, February 16, 2012
Description: Does your library need to build stronger community connections, but the thought of where to start leaves you feeling overwhelmed? This webinar will inspire you to kick-start the process.
We have gathered together four amazing librarians who will share the philosophies that helped them integrate outreach into their library’s DNA. They will talk about their programs that built strong community relationships, helped library staff members make incredible connections with high powered executives and helped a community get on board with using eBooks. Best of all, they will talk about how any of these programs can easily be scaled to your library.
And then we will move into “kitchen table” talks where our speakers will genuinely talk about the challenges they faced and overcame, as well as ideas they wished they had pursued (or still dream of pursuing).
Join us and get inspired by the energy, creativity, optimism, and leadership that have made each of these libraries successful.
· Molly Fogarty, Springfield Library Director, Massachusetts
· Susan Lyon, Richland County Library Learning Engagement Manager, Columbia, South Carolina
· Gerry Meek, Calgary Public Library Chief Executive Officer, Alberta, Canada
· Tony Tallent, Director of Literacy and Learning at Richland County Public Library, Columbia, South Carolina
Moderator: Nancy Dowd, Project Lead LibraryAware, NoveList/EBSCO Publishing
Can’t make it on February 16? No problem! Register now and you will get an email reminder from Library Journal post-live event when the webcast is archived and available for on-demand viewing at your convenience!
"Your library at Webscale: How radical collaboration is redefining library management services"
Event Date: Thursday, February 21, 2012
Event Time: 12:00 PM EST/9:00 AM PST
Sponsored By: OCLC and Library Journal
Description: The ever-expanding set of Web services created in the last decade is changing everything about education, information seeking, communications and media. The Web has altered the expectations of our users and partners, and our ability to react to those expectations. In consulting our members, peers and thought leaders across the technology landscape one thing has become clear: the way forward requires a strategy built on increasing libraries’ opportunities for cooperation. Not just between libraries and the institutions they serve, but more creatively and completely within the larger information ecosystem. Because the same disruptive, complex, connected options that are challenging our libraries and communities are the forces that will help us break down the barriers to success.
Over the past decade, members of the library community have indicated a number of areas where traditional management systems lack the flexibility and connectivity to address the changing needs of their users. Confronting these issues distracts scarce resources from addressing high-priority local objectives that improve efficiency, service, and relevance.
OCLC WorldShare is the cooperative’s new platform for radical library collaboration. At this session, Andrew Pace, Executive Director, Networked Library Services, will provide an overview of OCLC’s vision for connecting the world’s libraries to operate and innovate at Webscale. You’ll also hear directly from library automation experts and members of the OCLC WorldShare Management Services community about how the move to WorldShare has eliminated traditional operating silos, allowing them to focus more attention on the communities they serve.
Learn what’s possible when you share more tools, protocols and data with more libraries, developers and partners. Your library can benefit from a pool that combines talents from all participating institutions. Shared apps boost creativity beyond what anyone can build themselves and allow for customization for local needs. And as you focus on delivering greater value to your users through distinctive, local resources, you can also drive efficiencies by moving routine operations to a shared, cloud-based infrastructure.
· Gregg A. Silvis, Assistant Director for Library Computing Systems, University of Delaware
· Marshall Breeding, Director for Innovative Technologies and Research, Vanderbilt University Libraries
Creator and Editor, Library Technology Guides and libwebcats
Marshall Breeding serves as the Director for Innovative Technologies and Research for the Vanderbilt University Libraries in Nashville, TN and is the Executive Director the Vanderbilt Television News Archive, a large-scale archive of digital video content.
Marshall is a speaker, writer, and consultant. He is the creator and editor of Library Technology Guides (www.librarytechnology.org) and the lib-web-cats online directory of libraries on the Web. His monthly column “Systems Librarian” appears in Computers in Libraries; he is the Editor for Smart Libraries Newsletter published by the American Library Association, and has authored the annual “Automation Marketplace” feature published by Library Journal since 2002. He has authored nine issues of ALA’s Library Technology Reports, and has written many other articles and book chapters. Marshall has edited or authored six books. He regularly teaches workshops and gives presentations at library conferences on a wide range of topics.
He is a regular presenter at library conferences including Computers in Libraries and Internet Librarian conferences, has been a LITA Top Technology Trends panelist at ALA conferences has been an invited speaker for many library conferences and workshops throughout the United States and internationally. He has spoken in throughout the United States and in Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, China, Singapore, the Czech Republic, Austria, The Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Israel, Colombia, and Argentina.
Breeding was the 2010 recipient of the LITA LITA/Library Hi Tech Award for Outstanding Communication for Continuing Education in Library and Information Science.
Moderator: Andrew K. Pace, Executive Director, Networked Library Services, OCLC
Andrew is Executive Director for Networked Library Services at OCLC where he is leading projects to move library management services to the network level. He was formerly Head of Information Technology at North Carolina State University Libraries, where he spent nine years participating in several digital library projects. Andrew is also a Past President of LITA, the Library and Information Technology Association, a division of the ALA, and currently serves on the NISO Information Standards Quarterly editorial board. You also may know him from his blog postings on Hectic Pace.
Can’t make it on February 21? No problem! Register now! and you will get an email reminder from Library Journal post-live event when the webcast is archived and available for on-demand viewing at your convenience!
"New Data Rules: Census 2010 and American Community Survey"
Event Date: Thursday, February 23, 2012
Event Time: 2:00 PM EST/11:00 AM PST
Sponsored By: CIVICTechnologies, Esri and Library Journal, and Library Journal
Description: We’ve already seen how Census 2010 is reconfiguring political districts based on population gains and losses. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Join us to learn about the sweeping new data methods behind Census 2010 and the American Community Survey (ACS), how they’re different than Census 2000, and what they mean for librarians delivering services, library boards and elected officials making library funding decisions, and library users including business patrons.
· Marc Futterman, President and CEO, CIVICTechnologies
· Lynn Wombold, Chief Demographer, Esri
Moderator: Marc Futterman, President and CEO, CIVICTechnologies
Can’t make it on February 23? No problem! Register now! and you will get an email reminder from Library Journal post-live event when the webcast is archived and available for on-demand viewing at your convenience!
"Directors’ Summit: Discover a 21st Century Roadmap for Community Outcomes"
Event Date: Friday, February 24, 2012
Event Time: 1:00 PM EST/10:00 AM PST
Sponsored By: Gale Cengage Learning, Innovative Interfaces, OCLC, CIVIC Technologies, Orange Boy and Library Journal.
Description: Join us as we explore some of the key themes from the Library Journal 2011 Directors’ Summit, held in partnership with Columbus Metropolitan Library. Garry Golden, Lead Futurist, Future Think, and rated “outstanding” by 87 percent of attendees, will expand on some of the motifs he presented, including how to better anticipate social change, think about and plan for a future shaped by transformational change, and gather prescriptive data that will lead to service innovation. Patrick Losinski, executive director, Columbus Metropolitan Library, OH, will lead a conversation with Garry and the audience.
· Garry Golden, Lead Futurist, Future Think
Garry Golden is a professionally trained Futurist who speaks and consults on issues shaping business and society in the 21st century. He has worked across a wide range of industries and with civic institutions including Brooklyn College, Center for the Future of Museums, Kennedy Center Partners in Education and McGraw-Hill Companies.
Garry Golden is a professionally trained Futurist who speaks and consults on issues shaping business and society in the 21st century. He has worked across a wide range of industries and with civic institutions including Brooklyn College, Center for the Future of Museums, Kennedy Center Partners in Education and McGraw-Hill Companies.
· Patrick Losinski, Executive Director, Columbus Metropolitan Library, OH, Pat Losinski has served as Executive Director of the Columbus Metropolitan Library (CML) a twenty-one branch library district serving 820,000 residents in central Ohio, since 2002.
· Welcoming introductions by Library Journal Editor-in-Chief, Francine Fialkoff.
Can’t make it on February 24? No problem! Register now! and you will get an email reminder from Library Journal post-live event when the webcast is archived and available for on-demand viewing at your convenience!
ALCTS Webinars
"The Black, White, and Gray Areas of Licensing: A Review and Update for Librarians and Publishers"
Date & Times: Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Sessions are intended to last 1 hour, starting:
11am Pacific | 12 Mountain | 1pm Central | 2pm Eastern
11am Pacific | 12 Mountain | 1pm Central | 2pm Eastern
Description: Building on a preconference offered at ALA Annual 2010 entitled “Taming the Licensing Tiger,” the presenters will carry on the conversation around library licensing issues and answer questions submitted in advance by attendees. Using an interactive approach employing chat, audience polling and presubmitted questions, the presenters will cover hot topics and current challenges facing libraries in licensing digital content. The presenters represent the viewpoints of a publisher (Robert Boissy), an academic library (Becky Albitz) and a consortium (Tracy Thompson-Przylucki).
Learning Outcomes:
1. Get your pressing licensing questions answered by a panel of experts!
2. Learn the definitions of specific terms of art for licensing.
3. Understand the issues in licensing e-content for libraries today.
4. Explore the effects of the current economy on licensing practices.
2. Learn the definitions of specific terms of art for licensing.
3. Understand the issues in licensing e-content for libraries today.
4. Explore the effects of the current economy on licensing practices.
Who Should Attend? Librarians with some licensing experience who are interested in learning more and/or have questions they want to have answered.
Course Level & Prerequisites: Intermediate level with no prerequisites
· Becky Albitz is the Electronic Resources Librarian at the Pennsylvania State University. She holds degrees from the University of Rochester, Penn State, and The University of Pittsburgh, and currently is working on her doctorate in higher education at Penn State. Becky has co-taught the ARL online licensing workshop and has also given numerous presentations and workshops on copyright and licensing issues. Her book Licensing and Managing Electronic Resources was published by Chandos Publishing in 2008.
· Bob Boissy is Manager of Account Development & Strategic Alliances for the publishing house Springer, where he has worked for nine years. Bob received his MLS from SUNY Albany, and a Certificate of Advanced Study from Syracuse University. He currently serves as Vice President/President Elect of the North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG), and contributes to two NISO working groups: shared electronic resource understanding (SERU), and presentation and identification of e-journals (PIE-J).
· Tracy L. Thompson-Przylucki has served as the Executive Director of NELLCO since 2001. In that capacity she negotiates license agreements on behalf of more than 115 law libraries throughout the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and Australia. Prior to joining NELLCO Tracy served as International Reference Librarian for the Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale Law School. She holds a B.A. from the University of South Florida (’94) and a J.D. from Yale Law School (’97).
Credits or CEUs: none
Fee: Free
Technical Requirements: Computer with Internet access (high-speed connection is best) and media player software. Headphones recommended.
If you receive a Codec error when playing the recorded file with Windows Media Player, download the gotowebinar codec file from: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/codec?Portal=www.gotomeeting.com The Codec acts as a patch that allows the recording, which is created with a higher version of Media Player, to play in version 7. For more information on playing the recording, see the FAQ.
How to Register? To register, access the Go to Meeting web site at https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/242573489.
Contact: For questions about registration, contact ALA Registration: call 1-800-545-2433 and press 5 or email registration@ala.org.
For all other questions or comments related to the webinars, contact Julie Reese, ALCTS Events Manager at 1-800-545-2433, ext. 5034 or jreese@ala.org.
OCLC Research Distinguished Seminar Series
"Libraries as Read/Write Services"
Gary Marchionini is the Dean and Cary C. Boshamer Professor in the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He teaches courses in human-information interaction, interface design and testing, and digital libraries. He also heads the Interaction Design Laboratory at SILS.
In this presentation, Professor Marchionini will discuss two trends that are driving foundational shifts in libraries of the 21st century. First, the development of digital libraries has expanded the nature of service communities beyond local geography and influences the need to collect the works of global interest. This, in turn, is causing libraries to distinguish themselves by focusing their digital collections on local materials that are unique, becoming more like archives that curate singular materials. Second, people increasingly work, play, and live with the aid of electronic technologies that create traces of life's behaviors. People consciously and unconsciously create documents, photos, and files as well as streams of interactions with other people and with myriad electronic systems. Individual traces of our lives in cyberspace in aggregate represent what Gary Marchionini terms "proflections" of our personal identities. Libraries have trusted roles to play in helping people manage their personal digital libraries—to provide "write" as well as "read" services to their patrons. Inevitably, some of the personal assets will become part of the public collection with patron permission. Libraries must develop strategies to support deposit (writing) of patron assets and to manage the blurring of boundaries between personal and public digital libraries. The School of Information and Library Science at UNC's LifeTime Library Project aims to develop and teach such strategies.
This Distinguished Seminar Series presentation begins at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (UTC 14:00) and is followed by a question and answer session at 10:00 a.m. (UTC 15:00). You are welcome to attend this presentation in person or remotely via WebEx. Advanced registration is encouraged, but not required. Registering in advance allows us to alert you if the lecture should need to be rescheduled.
To attend in person, please RSVP by e-mailing disbrowk@oclc.org or calling OCLC Research at (614) 764-6073 and indicating your name, affiliation and telephone number.
Complete details are available at the links below. A recording of this presentation will be made available online at http://www.oclc.org/research/dss/.
More information:
Gary Marchionini Distinguished Seminar Series presentation abstracthttp://www.oclc.org/research/dss/marchionini.htm
Printable handout of Gary Marcionini Distinguished Seminar Series presentation abstract
WebEx registration link for remote attendeeshttps://oclc.webex.com/oclc/j.php?ED=169220067&RG=1&UID=1287604992&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D
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