السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،
تقدم جمعية مجموعات المكتبات والخدمات الفنية Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) التابعة لجمعية المكتبات الأمريكية American Library
Association (ALA) المنتدى الإلكتروني المجانيE-forum ، بعنوان: E-book
MARC Records in the Age of AACR2, Provider-Neutral Guidelines, and now RDA، وفيما يلي التفاصيل:
Description: This e-forum will
focus on creating MARC records for e-books using standards such as AACR2,
Provider-Neutral Guidelines, and RDA, as well as issues related to managing
those records. Topics may include the appropriate application of standards,
specific MARC fields, batch processing and workflow, hybrid and merged records,
macros, and customization. We intend for this to be a productive dialog
involving libraries and consortia, authors of standards, and vendors in order
to understand how each approaches the characteristics of e-books and resolves
cataloging issues they may generate.
Who Should Attend? Anyone with an interest in the topic can benefit from this session and is welcome to participate.
Amy Bailey is a Catalog
Librarian at ProQuest. The cataloging department creates full, I-level MARC
records for a variety of microform and digital products including e-books.
Prior to joining ProQuest, Amy worked in cataloging, institutional repository
metadata, interlibrary loan, and circulation at academic and public libraries.
Becky Culbertson is Electronic Resources Cataloging Librarian for the California Digital Library housed at the University of California, San Diego. She gathers, catalogs, fixes, replaces, and distributes online serial, monographic, and integrating resource records for the ten University of California campuses. She was a co-editor of the task group that developed the PCC Provider-Neutral Guidelines (both AACR2 and now RDA) and currently is the chair of the PCC Standing Committee on Standards. Her main interest and professional goal is in promoting cataloging standards of all kinds. She attended library school at the University of Michigan and has previously worked as a cataloger at the University of Michigan and the University of Georgia.
Becky Culbertson is Electronic Resources Cataloging Librarian for the California Digital Library housed at the University of California, San Diego. She gathers, catalogs, fixes, replaces, and distributes online serial, monographic, and integrating resource records for the ten University of California campuses. She was a co-editor of the task group that developed the PCC Provider-Neutral Guidelines (both AACR2 and now RDA) and currently is the chair of the PCC Standing Committee on Standards. Her main interest and professional goal is in promoting cataloging standards of all kinds. She attended library school at the University of Michigan and has previously worked as a cataloger at the University of Michigan and the University of Georgia.
Dates & Times: Tuesday
and Wednesday, April 23-24, 2013
Each day, discussion begins and ends at:
Pacific: 7am - 3pm
Mountain: 8am - 4pm
Central: 9am - 5pm
Eastern: 10am - 6pm
Credits: none
Fee: free
Technical Requirements: Internet connection with an email address.
How to Register: You must register your email address to subscribe to or access an electronic discussion list on ALA's Mailing List Service. Find instructions for subscribing online.
Once you have registered for one e-forum, you do not need to register again, unless you choose to leave the list.
Contact: If you have trouble subscribing to the discussion list or have questions, please contact the e-Forum Coordinator at eforum-help@ala.org.
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