السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،
جمعية مجموعات المكتبات والخدمات الفنية Association for Library Collections & Technical Services
(ALCTS) التابعة لجمعية
المكتبات الأمريكية American Library Association (ALA) المنتدى
الإلكتروني المجاني E-forum بعنوان: "BISAC and Beyond: Making Word-Based Classification Your
Own"، وفيما
يلي التفاصيل:
Description: Many
libraries are considering moving away from traditional classification systems
like Dewey or LC in favor of word-based systems based on BISAC, a
classification scheme used by book retailers and publishers. Reclassifying a
library collection takes thought, planning, courage, and sweat. How can a
word-based classification system benefit your customers? Join the conversation
and talk to other libraries who have already ditched Dewey or are considering
making the switch. Topics for discussion may include:
* Why switch to a
BISAC-based system?
* Adapting BISAC for the
needs of your customers
* Planning the conversion
* Tips, tricks, and FAQs
for reclassifying collections
* Using BISAC for
collection development
* Rethinking the ‘flow’ of
your nonfiction collection
* Merchandising with BISAC
* BISAC and the MARC record
* Leveraging BISAC in the
OPAC to add discovery points
Should Attend?
with an interest in the topic can benefit from this e-forum and is welcome to
Level & Prerequisites: none
Macdonald is
the Collection Development Manager for Anythink Libraries in Adams County,
Colorado. In 2008, Logan helped develop WordThink, Anythink’s BISAC-based
classification system that was implemented district-wide in 2009. Prior to
joining Anythink, Logan worked for the Montrose Regional Library District in
Montrose, Colorado and University of Washington Libraries in Seattle. He is
frequently introduced by colleagues as “The Man Who Killed Dewey.”
Mainock is
the Anythink Buyer for children’s materials and also purchases econtent, music
and dvd’s for Anythink Libraries. She has been with the library district for
more than 15 years. She has been involved with Anythink’s move toward
BISAC-based classification from its inception.
& Times:
E-forum runs April 17-18, 2012
day, sessions begin and end at:
7am – 3pm
8am – 4pm
9am – 5 pm
10am – 6pm
Credits: none
Fee: Free
to Register?
must register to subscribe to or access an electronic discussion list on ALA's
Mailing List Service. Find instructions for subscribing online. Once
you have registered for one e-forum, you do not need to register again, unless
you choose to leave the list.
you have trouble subscribing to the discussion list or have questions, please
contact alcts@ala.org.
Or, contact e-Forum Coordinator, Kristin Martin, kmarti@uic.edu.
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