السلام عيكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
تقدم كلية علوم المكتبات والمعلومات - جامعة ولاية سان خوسيه في كل فصل دراسي مجموعة ندوات لدعم وتعزيز التعلم ونشر المعرفة بين أعضاء هيئة التدريس والخريجين والطلاب والمجتمعات المهنية التي تخدمها.
وهى تقدم مجموعة من الندوات المهنية الجديدة لخريف 2011، والتي تقدم نصائح واستراتيجيات للتطوير الوظيفي والبحث عن عمل. وهى تغطي أيضا بعض الإتجاهات في مهنة المكتبات والمعلومات العلمية بما في ذلك فرص العمل الجديدة والمهارات اللازمة للحفاظ على القدرة التنافسية في مجال الصناعة المتغيرة باستمرار لدينا.
She has worked as an information professional in academia, publishing, telecommunications, and librarianship, in for-profit and nonprofit settings, for both established companies and startups. She has led the development of several innovative information projects, including the first online academic library and the first website devoted to resources and community for people with disabilities. In addition to her work with Dority & Associates, Kim created and has taught for the past 11 years a highly popular course on alternative LIS career paths for the University of Denver. She has spoken on a wide range of LIS career topics at national conferences, addressed LIS graduate-student groups on career development strategies, and written numerous articles and books on LIS career topics. She writes the Infonista.com blog on LIS career topics, and created and manages the LinkedIn "LIS Career Options" group. Kim received her MLS from the University of Denver.
تقدم كلية علوم المكتبات والمعلومات - جامعة ولاية سان خوسيه في كل فصل دراسي مجموعة ندوات لدعم وتعزيز التعلم ونشر المعرفة بين أعضاء هيئة التدريس والخريجين والطلاب والمجتمعات المهنية التي تخدمها.
وهى تقدم مجموعة من الندوات المهنية الجديدة لخريف 2011، والتي تقدم نصائح واستراتيجيات للتطوير الوظيفي والبحث عن عمل. وهى تغطي أيضا بعض الإتجاهات في مهنة المكتبات والمعلومات العلمية بما في ذلك فرص العمل الجديدة والمهارات اللازمة للحفاظ على القدرة التنافسية في مجال الصناعة المتغيرة باستمرار لدينا.
"The Lubuto Library Project: Proving the Value of High–quality Public–access Libraries in International Development"
Description: The Lubuto Library Project (LLP) is the perfect example of the positive impact libraries can have on international development. LLP President Jane Meyers will discuss LLP's efforts to assist with both educational and economic development in Zambia. You'll also meet a SLIS graduate who is working to create new libraries in Zambia. This colloquia presentation will leave you inspired to get involved and share your LIS knowledge for the betterment of our worldwide communities.
Speaker: Jane Meyers
Lubuto Library Project, Inc.
Most of Jane Meyers' professional career has been involved with libraries and information for international development, particularly in the agricultural sector. She worked in that capacity at the World Bank and the U.S. National Agricultural Library, for USAID, and as a consultant to a number of international organizations. During her seven years living in southern Africa, as well as on numerous other trips to Africa, she taught and spoke to many library groups in Malawi, Zambia, and other African countries. She has also visited scores of libraries throughout the continent, as well as participating in the formulation of National Information Policies of Malawi and Zambia. While in Zambia in the late 1990s, Ms. Meyers started a library for street children in Lusaka. Upon her return the U.S. in 2001, she started the Lubuto Library Project, which has opened two libraries and is now working in partnership with the Zambia Library Service to build seven more libraries with the support of Zambia's Ministry of Education.
Date: Wednesday, 19 October 2011.
Time: 12:00 p.m. Noon PT.
Location: Live using Elluminate.
Password: not required
"Designing and Implementing an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Strategy and Governance Initiative: A Case Study"
[MARA Guest Lecture]
[MARA Guest Lecture]
Description: Electronic record collections are no longer an area of specialized expertise, but rather a dominant part of record manager's professional life. Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and the ability to access and analyze core information are of strategic importance in an information and process–driven business environment. This case study describes the creation of a focused Enterprise Content Management Strategy and Governance initiative at a major oil and gas exploration and production organization with operations in North and South America, Europe, Kurdistan and South East Asia. The strategy designed to support the priorities of senior management, which included hydrocarbon identification, global finance, supply management and asset performance management – required the development of an ECM Roadmap for unstructured data. The presenter will discuss program development, implementation, and progress made toward meeting document requirements associated with information needs in the areas of regulatory/legal compliance as well as many business drivers.
Speaker: Rob McLauchlin
Records & Information Governance Lead, North American ECM Deployment
Talisman Energy
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Records & Information Governance Lead, North American ECM Deployment
Talisman Energy
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
As a records and information management professional, Robert has been working in the industry for 18 years performing a number of information roles including chief librarian, document imaging supervisor, document management application specialist, and information governance and deployment lead. Robertís roles have predominantly been in organizations with ties to the oil and gas industry and have evolved around bringing information to clients in the most productive and cost efficient manner possible.
Currently Robert works for a major oil and gas exploration and production organization as a Records and Information Governance Lead/North American ECM Deployment. His responsibilities include the provision of operational guidance to achieve goals and objectives in the delivery of unstructured information, document management, and retention scheduling in alignment with the corporate vision. He is also responsible for the information governance and enterprise content management deployment in North and South America, including offices in the US, Canada, Peru and Columbia.
Robert has completed his MLIS and most recently graduated from San José State University with his Master of Archives and Records Administration (MARA).
Date: Wednesday, 26 October 2011.
Time: 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. PT
Location: Live from Alberta, Canada, using Elluminate
Password: mara
"Navigating the Hiring Process for Federal Government"
[Career Colloquia]
[Career Colloquia]
Description: Applying to the federal government has its own unique process. Hear from experts in the field on how to navigate the hiring and application process. Learn how to "read" specialized vocabulary and common terminology unique to the many different agencies of the federal government. Receive advice on how to think critically about job postings and "match" your resume and skills to the job announcement. This specialized advice is aimed at helping MLIS students and jobseekers optimize their chances to land a federal information position.
Speakers: Cherie Givens
Adjunct Faculty Member, SJSU SLIS; & Assessment Specialist librarian, U.S. Government Printing Office
Adjunct Faculty Member, SJSU SLIS; & Assessment Specialist librarian, U.S. Government Printing Office
She is an adjunct faculty member at SJSU SLIS and an Assessment Specialist librarian at the U.S. Government Printing Office. She is currently leading curriculum planning for online training on GPO's Federal Digital System, and has contributed to the Legal Requirements & Program Regulations of the FDLP. She holds a Ph.D. in Library, Archival and Information Studies, and is also an attorney-at-law with a particular interest in First Amendment issues and laws affecting libraries and archives. She has written and presented on issues related to the First Amendment, intellectual freedom, social policy, and the publishing industry. Cherie has held library positions in academic, legal, public, and special libraries.
Helen Sherman
Director, Component Information Support, Defense Technical Information Center
Director, Component Information Support, Defense Technical Information Center
She is currently serves as Director, Component Information Support, for the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) at Ft. Belvoir, VA, and leads the directorate of Program Managers who develop Web sites and online services based on specific requirements for DTIC and other agencies in the Department of Defense community. At DTIC she has also worked as the corporate librarian, a research analyst, database instructor, team leader, and a deputy director. She started her federal career in 2000 as a reference librarian for the Marine Corps University Library at Quantico, VA, and prior to that she managed the circulation desk and academic reference services for Richard Bland College Library of the College of William and Mary.
Date: Wednesday, 26 October 2011.
Time: 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. PT
Location: Live using Elluminate
Live URL:
Password: careers
"Getting Professionally Involved"
Description: Maureen Sullivan, Vice President/President Elect of the American Library Association, will talk about the importance of getting professionally involved in library associations. She will provide advice on how to get involved, how to network effectively, and the benefits of professional involvement. Sullivan will also talk about getting elected to a national leadership position in the profession's largest association.
Speaker: Maureen Sullivan
Vice President/ President Elect of the American Library Association
Vice President/ President Elect of the American Library Association
She is a widely recognized leader and educator in the library profession. Her career has included positions as the human resources administrator at two major research libraries; a consultant and trainer with the Association of Research Libraries; a member of the faculty in the Managerial Leadership in the Information Professions PhD program at Simmons College and in one of the annual institutes sponsored by the Harvard Graduate School of Education; and several leadership positions in the American Library Association, including service as the president of two of its divisions. She currently is president-elect of the American Library Association.
Her contributions and visionary leadership in the profession have been recognized in three major awards. She was the recipient of the American Library Association's Elizabeth Futas Catalyst for Change Award in 1999. The Chicago Public Library named her its 2006 Charlotte Kim Scholar in Residence and invited her to address The Promise of Appreciative Inquiry in Library Organizations. She also was named the 2010 Academic/Research Librarian of the Year by the Association of College and Research Libraries.
She is a librarian who acts as an organization development consultant and whose practice focuses on the delivery of consulting and education services to libraries and other information organizations. She has more than thirty years of experience as a consultant on organization development, strategic planning, leadership development, introducing and managing organizational change, organization and work redesign, establishment of staff development and learning programs for today's workplace, creating a work environment that supports diversity, revision of position classification and compensation systems, and the identification and development of competencies.
Ms. Sullivan is a past president (1998-1999) of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). During her term as President, she helped establish the ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute in partnership with the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is now a member of the faculty for this annual program. She was president of the Library Administration and Management Association for the 1988-89 term.
She has served as a consultant to a number of libraries, including the Boston Public Library, the New York Public Library, the UCLA Libraries, Information Resources at Occidental College, the San Francisco Public Library, the National Library of Medicine, the University of Maryland Libraries, the Johns Hopkins University Libraries, Smith College Library, the Harvard Law School Library and the Emory University Libraries.
Date: Tuesday, 1 November 2011.
Time: 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. PT.
Location: Live using Elluminate
Live URL:
Password: careers
"How to Create a Credible Retention Schedule and Information Governance Package"
[MARA Guest Lecture]
[MARA Guest Lecture]
Description: Retention Schedules have been the foundation on which every Records Management Program has built over the past 60 years. Yet, after all of this time, most organization's retention schedules are either out of date, not based on actual government regulations, too complicated for the average employee to use or understand, addresses only paper records, or ignored by management. Yet, with a realistic and sustainable retention schedule for all information media, organizations can access information easily, reduce information volumes, be compliant and link to other governance policies including E-mail, Back-up Media, Legacy System, Hold Orders, and Orphan Files to reduce risk from litigation, government investigations, and audits. To understand the processes involved in developing a compliant and fact based retention schedule for the enterprise, the presenter will provide proven steps that need to be accomplished to have a retention schedule that becomes part of the overall executive management governance program. This session will include data collection activities, international and domestic regulatory research and combining these elements into taxonomies, retention and associated governance policies.
Speaker: Fred V. Diers
Vice President and General Manager
GRM's Solution Group
Vice President and General Manager
GRM's Solution Group
He is Vice President and General Manager of GRM's Solution Group, providing Records and Information Management consulting services.
Fred has been actively involved in the Records and Information Management profession for over 40 years as both a practitioner heading up global programs and as head of consulting organizations providing records and information program development and implementation assistance to multi-national organizations. He has been instrumental in advising Records Management software developers in functional requirements of life cycle records software. He was a pioneer in expanding the records management profession internationally as President of ARMA International and President of the International Records Management Counsel.
In addition to being Past President of Professional Associations, he is a Certified Records Manager, Fellow of ARMA International, recipient of the prestigious Emmett Leahy Award for contributions to the field of Records and Information Management, and has lectured on various records subjects throughout the world. Fred was an adjunct professor for the School of Library and Information Science at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill teaching students in the graduate program records management principles. Over the past year, through his current employer, Fred has designed and introduced a web-based retention and reporting research tool with close to 20,000 citations for legal and records management professionals.
Fred is a graduate of Boise State University with degrees in History and Political Science.
Date: Monday, 14 November 2011
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. PT
Location: Live from Jersey City, New Jersey, using Elluminate
Live URL: https://nexus.sjsu.edu:443/join_meeting.html?meetingId=1267555123802
Password: mara
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. PT
Location: Live from Jersey City, New Jersey, using Elluminate
Live URL: https://nexus.sjsu.edu:443/join_meeting.html?meetingId=1267555123802
Password: mara
"Alternate Paths to Federal Government Employment"
[Career Colloquia]
[Career Colloquia]
Description: There are many non-traditional jobs and resume-building opportunities that Master of Library and Information Science candidates and job seekers can immediately take advantage of to gain experience in the federal government. This session includes tips to finding and creating opportunities to earn academic credit or to get a head start on landing a job. Learn about student employment opportunities that convert to full-time employment, contract employment in federal agencies, the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) program, and even virtual internships.
Speakers: Robin Haun-Mohamed
Director, Collection Management and Preservation, Library Services and Content Management, United States Government Printing Office
Director, Collection Management and Preservation, Library Services and Content Management, United States Government Printing Office
She oversees the management and preservation of government publications from all three branches of government. Professionals working with her in this area ensure a permanent record of federal government publications is available electronically and in the national archives. Her staff establishes partnerships with other libraries to digitize legacy government publications. Robin has a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and History and a Master's Degree in Library Science from the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington.
Tiffany Smith LicciardiLeadership Team Coordinator, Department of State's Office of eDiplomacy
Tiffany Smith LicciardiLeadership Team Coordinator, Department of State's Office of eDiplomacy
She is the Knowledge Leadership Team Coordinator at the Department of State's Office of eDiplomacy. Her team develops and supports projects that help personnel throughout the department find and share information and collaborate effectively. A graduate of Fordham University and The Catholic University of America's School of Library and Information Science, Tiffany joined the State Department in 2007 as a Presidential Management Fellow. She was the recipient of a 2010 NextGov Award for innovative uses of technology in the U.S. government, and she has also received superior and meritorious honor awards for her work in the Office of eDiplomacy and in support of the 2010 Nuclear Security Summit and The Sounding Board.
Bridget RoddyVirtual Student Foreign Service (VSFS) Program Manager, State Department's Office of eDiplomacy
Bridget RoddyVirtual Student Foreign Service (VSFS) Program Manager, State Department's Office of eDiplomacy
She is the Virtual Student Foreign Service (VSFS) Program Manager in the State Department's Office of eDiplomacy. Prior to joining eDiplomacy in April 2010, she worked for almost four years in the Family Liaison Office, most recently as the Unaccompanied Tours Officer supporting employees assigned to unaccompanied posts and their family members. She has also worked at the US Embassy in Ottawa, US Embassy in Vienna, and the US Mission to the UN (also in Vienna). A graduate of the University of Notre Dame, she holds a Bachelor of Arts in Design and Anthropology.
Date: Wednesday, 16 November 2011.
Time: 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. PT
Location: Live using Elluminate
Live URL:
Password: careers
"Understanding the Universe of LIS Career Opportunities"
[Career Colloquia]
[Career Colloquia]
Description: Emerging LIS career opportunities are diverse, expanding, and often invisible. This session focuses on how to identify, explore, assess, and position for new opportunities, with an emphasis on existing, transferable skills.
Discussion points include:
· The 8 "frames" for thinking about LIS opportunities
· How LIS skills are being deployed in traditional fields
· Identify and describe transferable LIS skills for non-LIS interviewers
· Reframe how you describe—and think of—your professional skill set
Speakers: Kim Dority
Founder and President of Dority & Associates
Founder and President of Dority & Associates
She has worked as an information professional in academia, publishing, telecommunications, and librarianship, in for-profit and nonprofit settings, for both established companies and startups. She has led the development of several innovative information projects, including the first online academic library and the first website devoted to resources and community for people with disabilities. In addition to her work with Dority & Associates, Kim created and has taught for the past 11 years a highly popular course on alternative LIS career paths for the University of Denver. She has spoken on a wide range of LIS career topics at national conferences, addressed LIS graduate-student groups on career development strategies, and written numerous articles and books on LIS career topics. She writes the Infonista.com blog on LIS career topics, and created and manages the LinkedIn "LIS Career Options" group. Kim received her MLS from the University of Denver.
Scott BrownFounder and President of Social Information Group
He draws on over 20 years' experience in library and information organizations. He has helped libraries, Fortune 500 companies, startups, government organizations and individuals understand and effectively use social tools to achieve organizational goals. He is a frequent speaker nationally on many areas of information work. Scott also teaches adjunct for the San José State University and University of Denver LIS programs. In addition, he provides professional coaching services specifically for information professionals. Scott is currently president-elect of the Association for Independent Information Professionals (AIIP). He received his MLIS from San José State University and Masters in Counseling from Regis University (Colorado).
Date: Monday, 21 November 2011.
Time: 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. PT.
Location: Live using Elluminate
Live URL:
Time: 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. PT.
Location: Live using Elluminate
Live URL:
Password: careers
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