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تقدم "Cerado Reference" مجموعة من الندوات المجانية عبر شبكة الإنترنت خلال خريف 2011، تحت عنوان: " كيف تزدهر المكتبات في العصر الرقمي؟ How are Libraries Thriving in the Digital Age?".
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تقدم "Cerado Reference" مجموعة من الندوات المجانية عبر شبكة الإنترنت خلال خريف 2011، تحت عنوان: " كيف تزدهر المكتبات في العصر الرقمي؟ How are Libraries Thriving in the Digital Age?".
Primary Sources, Information Literacy and Academic Support
Tuesday, October 25, 1PM EST/10AM PST/6PM UTC and Thursday, October 27, 10AM EST/7AM PST/3PM UTC
As part of the collaboration between Libraries Thriving and the National Forum on Information Literacy (NFIL), Dr. Lana Jackman, President of the NFIL, will present an educational seminar about information literacy in honour of October as National Information Literacy Awareness Month. This discussion will be interactive and include examples of primary sources, such as Library of Congress materials, and opportunities to collaborate with your community, such as the Boys and Girls Clubs.
Register for Tuesday, October 25 or for Thursday, October 27 .
Libraries Thriving and Multi-Grain Sponsored Debate: Are Libraries Thriving?
Friday, November 4, 12:30PM EST/9:30AM PST/4:30PM UTC
With low usage and shrinking budgets, libraries are challenged to justify resource investments now more than ever. At the same time, information users are ill-prepared to navigate the quantity and quality of content on the web. This creates a tremendous opportunity for libraries to show that they are well-equipped to help users navigate information resources and for users to benefit from this guidance.
With this in mind, Libraries Thriving and Against the Grain's Multi-Grain wonder: are libraries actually thriving? To answer this question, these two online communities are teaming up to sponsor an Oxford-style live debate, including audience participation and voting, at the upcoming Charleston Conference. You're invited to participate in the online discussion going on now and to join the live debate online. So, which side are you on?
With this in mind, Libraries Thriving and Against the Grain's Multi-Grain wonder: are libraries actually thriving? To answer this question, these two online communities are teaming up to sponsor an Oxford-style live debate, including audience participation and voting, at the upcoming Charleston Conference. You're invited to participate in the online discussion going on now and to join the live debate online. So, which side are you on?
E-Everything: Reflecting on Putting it All Together
Tuesday, December 6, 1PM EST/10AM PST/6PM UTC and Thursday, December 8, 10AM EST/7AM PST/3PM UTC
At the upcoming Charleston Conference, Audrey Powers, a Research Librarian for the University of Florida, will be joining a knowledgeable team of information professionals to present a preconference session focusing on innovative approaches to e-resource delivery and access. After hosting the preconference session in November, Audrey, together with colleagues who attended the Charleston session, will be joining us on Libraries Thriving to share the recording of the live session and to have a discussion about e-resource innovation.
Register for Tuesday, December 6 or for Thursday, December 8.
ملحوظة: للتسجيل في الندوات السابقة ما عليك سوى الضغط على تاريخ التسجيل فى نهاية كل ندوة وسوف تحال تلقائياً إلى الموقع الإلكتروني للتسجيل.
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2 التعليقات:
موضوع في غاية الأهمية يرد على كل من يدعي أن المكتبات سوف تختفي في العصر الرقمي ، وأن مهنة المكتبات سوف تنقرض!!
متابعة رائعة يا أستاذة غدير .
شكراً أسناذتي الفاضلة دكتورة أماني، بالفعل تظل المكتبات هى الأساس والأصل مهما مر عليها الزمان، بكل ما يحمله من تطور وتفدم تكنولوجي.
أتمنى أن نقدر قيمة المكتبات ودورها داخل المجتمع المصري والعربي عموماً.