عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،
نقلاً عن
الزميلة الفاضلة الأستاذة/ هبة إسماعيل، المدير الفني بجمعية الرعاية المتكاملة،
منحة لحضور مؤتمر الإفلا الثمانون المقام في مدينة ليون بفرنسا في الفترة
من 16 – 22 أغسطس 2014، وفيما يلي التفاصيل:
Closing date: Friday February
28th, 2014!
The Academic and Research Libraries Section (ARL), with generous
sponsorship by ExLibris and Sage, is offering THREE (3) Attendance Grants for
the IFLA Congress in Lyon 2014 to an information professional from each of
these regions:
* Africa
* Latin America
* Asia/Pacific region
Each grant covers the registration fee of Euro 455 as well as support for
travel and/or accommodation up to Euro 700.
Applicants must be able to attend the Congress and will be responsible for
all other costs associated with Congress attendance. Please see the Conference
website for further details about the Congress.
The winners will be required to attend the IFLA Awards session to receive
their certificates, and also attend the ARL’s Hot Topics session.
They will also be required to take part in various publicity events during
the conference, such as photo shoots and events organised at the two sponsors’
exhibition stalls. Their essays may be published on the ARL Section blog before
the conference.
Recipients will be required to write a brief article about their Congress
experience (approximately 500 words) for publication on the ARL Section blog
within 3 months of the end of the Congress.
* Applicants must be eligible to obtain a visa for travel.
* Applicants must declare they are able to fund all other costs beyond the
grant that are involved in attending the Congress, e.g. all other hotel, travel
and subsistence expenses NOT covered by the Grant.
* Those who have previously received this Grant (formerly known as Essay
Contest) cannot apply again.
Application Procedures:
Your application will include:
(A) A covering letter providing:
*your contact details (e.g. name and email address)
*short summary of your employment and/or student status
First-time IFLA attendees, young professionals, students of Library
and Information Studies (LIS) and those working in LIS jobs for the
first time will have an advantage in the competition, so make sure you
mention this if you belong to one of these categories.
(B) A written statement of up to 500 words, on:
* how attending IFLA will benefit you in a personal and/or professional
capacity, with reference to the 2014 theme of the conference;
* how you intend to apply the benefits that you have outlined in a
practical way after the Congress, either for you personally or for the
library/information unit you work in;
* a budget/cost estimate for travel and hotel up to Euro 700, that would
not normally be funded by other grants or your place of work.
(C) A declaration that you are able to fund all other costs
beyond the Grant when attending the Congress, and that you are eligible to
obtain a visa for travel
Your application must be received by Friday February 28th, 2014
* All applications will be acknowledged upon receipt
* All applicants will receive notification of award status no later thanMay 1, 2014
Please send your application with your address, telephone number, and
email address no later than February 28th, 2014, to Ane Landoy, via attachment in email – ane.landoy@ub.uib.no
This Attendance Grant is generously sponsored by both ExLibris and Sage
We humbly request your support in encouraging applicants to respond by
forwarding the information to other list managers, colleagues and other
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