السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،
السادة زوار المدونة الكرام، أقدم لكم مجموعة جديدة من الندوات المهنية المتخصصة في مجال المكتبات والمعلومات والتى يتم عقدها وبثها عبر شبكة الإنترنت مجاناً، وفيما يلي عرضاً مفسراً لها:
Infopeople Webinars
Tell Me Something I Don’t Know - Meaningful Community Engagement
Date & Time: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 / Start Time: Pacific - 12 PM, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM.
Details: When you ask civilians (those people who are neither library workers nor our closest advisers, such as Friends and Trustees) what they would like to see in their libraries, they generally give predictable, and predictably narrow, answers. They want what they’ve always known in libraries, only more of it and during more open hours. Or they “envision” services we’ve been offering for years without their knowing it. This can be quite frustrating as we try to re-imagine libraries for the 21st Century.
Don’t misunderstand: library consultants Joan Frye Williams and George Needham strongly believe that it’s important to involve the people we serve in library planning and evaluation, but traditional approaches to community engagement are often far too expensive and time consuming for the limited results they produce. They can also be downright boring for all concerned!
This one-hour webinar will offer a lively look at practical, affordable, enjoyable techniques for garnering civilian input without surrendering professional judgment. George and Joan will discuss how to:
· Talk about the future without pretending to be psychic
· Reach the right stakeholders, and ask them the right questions
· Elicit ideas that expand everyone’s thinking about your community and your library
· Translate those ideas into real directions and initiatives
George and Joan have demonstrated in a variety of library settings that a few well-phrased and properly directed questions can provide considerably more illumination than thousands of satisfaction surveys or sticky dots on flip chart paper. Whether you are starting a new planning process, working through major service changes, or just curious about how to know and serve your community better, you’ll want to join this conversation!
This webinar will be of interest to librarians in all types of libraries, as well as library friends, trustees, commissioners, fundraisers, planners, architects, and marketing staff.
Webinars are free of charge and registration is only done on the day of the event on the WebEx server. No passwords are required.
Do you require an accommodation for an Infopeople webinar? For this service, please complete and submit a request form at least 72 hours before the webinar: Request Form
Operation Health: Resources for Veterans and Their Families
Date & Time: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 / Start Time: Pacific - 12 PM, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM.
Details: Injured war veterans have always been a part of U.S. history, but the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have resulted in a significant increase of debilitating injuries. Returning veterans face many health issues, from physical injuries to mental health issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, substance abuse and suicide. Women returning from deployment face additional issues, while spouses and family members have unique needs of their own. Did you know:
· 350,000 to 400,000 returning combat veterans will come home with traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)?
· A large majority of all veterans with TBIs turn to substance abuse within one year?
· Suicide is a hidden epidemic among returning women vets?
· Nearly 20% of veterans suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder?
· 1 in 4 homeless women is a veteran?
· When veterans and their loved ones come to the library for information,
· Do you feel prepared?
· Are you searching for the best resources about specific issues unique to veterans?
· Do you know how to help spouses and families of deployed military personnel cope with their situation?
· This webinar will provide an overview of the most pressing issues faced by returning veterans and their loved ones and what libraries can do to help. At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will:
· Understand the spectrum of health issues and information needs of military veterans and their families.
· Be aware of quality health resources from subject-specific websites to mobile apps.
· Be knowledgeable of directories of medical facilities and services.
· Be knowledgeable of support services and information for spouses and families of deployed troops.
This one-hour webinar will be of interest to public library staff, including reference desk, adult and teen services staff, and staff from organizations who provide health information to consumers and members of the public.
Webinars are free of charge and registration is only done on the day of the event on the WebEx server. No passwords are required.
Do you require an accommodation for an Infopeople webinar? For this service, please complete and submit a request form at least 72 hours before the webinar: Request Form
Library Journal Webinars
eBooks: a New Paradigm in Douglas County, or a New Twist on the Past?
Date & Time: Tuesday, June 12, 2012, 3:00-4:00 PM EST/12:00 -1:00 PM PST.
Details: The staff at the Douglas County Libraries in Colorado have been implementing for the past year an innovative ebook lending model that gives the library actual ownership of the ebook file, rather than leasing access to it via a third party. The library has its own content server and after striking deals with various publishers it loads the files onto the server and applies the requisite DRM before lending. The library is providing a concrete example of how in the digital age libraries remain reliable stewards of intellectual content. In this webinar, Jamie LaRue, the library’s director, Monique Sendze, the IT director, and Lisa Long-Hickman, the sales and marketing manager for Dzanc Books, will discuss the model.
· Jamie LaRue - Library director, Douglas County Libraries
· Monique Sendze - Associate director of IT, Douglas County Libraries
· Lisa Long-Hickman - Sales and marketing manager, Dzanc Books
Moderator: Mike Kelley - Executive Editor (News and Features), Library Journal
Can’t make it on June 12? No problem! Register now and you will get an email reminder from Library Journal post-live event when the webcast is archived and available for on-demand viewing at your convenience!
Cataloging at the Crossroads: Challenging the Only Show in Town
Date & Time: Wednesday, June 13, 2012, 1:00 PM EST/10:00 AM PST.
Details: With the acquisition of its last remaining competitor in 2006, OCLC became the only full service bibliographic utility in the U.S. The idea for a new, low-cost, highly functional alternative to OCLC for cataloging arose from a series of conversations with librarians who were interested in having a choice in library cataloging services, removing restrictions on the use of data, and finding a way to reduce costs during tough economic times.
SkyRiver Technology Solutions, launched in 2009, is increasingly seen as a viable alternative to OCLC. Our panel will examine the future for competition in the library cataloging marketplace in light of changing assumptions about library service, new technologies, and unprecedented economic challenges.
During the webcast, moderator Marshall Breeding, noted library automation expert, creator of Library Technology Guides, and formerly the Director for Innovative Technologies and Research for Vanderbilt University Libraries,will review the competitive landscape for bibliographic services today. Cliff Haka, Director of the Michigan State University Libraries, will talk about the need for creative solutions to issues facing academic libraries and describe the path to choosing SkyRiver at Michigan State. Rivkah Sass, Director of Sacramento Public Library and LJ’s Librarian of the Year in 2006, will discuss the challenges facing public library systems in this era of draconian funding cutbacks and how her library has been able to cut costs, while improving staff efficiency and maintaining quality, by moving to SkyRiver. SkyRiver’s Leslie Straus will provide a brief overview of the company’s history and plans.
In the two and a half years since its introduction, use of SkyRiver has grown to some 70 installations serving several hundred libraries. SkyRiver’s bibliographic database, with its associated open data policy, has doubled in size since the utility’s launch date.
Learn what’s possible when you put old assumptions and cataloging routines aside and take a fresh look at available options.
· Marshall Breeding serves is a speaker, writer, and consultant. He is the creator and editor of Library Technology Guides and the lib-web-cats online directory of libraries on the Web. He regularly teaches workshops and gives presentations at library conferences on a wide range of topics. Breeding was the 2010 recipient of the LITA LITA/Library Hi Tech Award for Outstanding Communication for Continuing Education in Library and Information Science. From 1985-2012 he held a variety of technology-oriented positions for the Vanderbilt University Library.
· Born and raised in Chicago, Cliff Haka received his undergraduate degree from Western Illinois University, masters degrees in history and library science from the University of Illinois and MBA from the University of Kansas. Prior to coming to MSU, he held positions at the Illinois State Historical Library and the University of Kansas. He joined the staff of the MSU Libraries in 1982 and was appointed director of libraries in 1997. During his time as director, MSU Library endowments have grown from $400,000 to beyond six million dollars.
· Rivkah K. Sass is Director of Sacramento, California’s Public Library system. In 2006 she was named national Librarian of the Year by Library Journal for her work at the Omaha, Nebraska Public Library. The LJ article called her “Risk taker, change agent, library true believer.” As deputy state librarian for the State of Maryland, she created the first public access network for libraries. Rivkah received her library degree from the University of Washington in 1978.
Moderator: After graduating with a library science degree from the University of Toronto, Leslie Straus started her library career as a cataloger at York University Libraries in Toronto. In 2006 she retired from Innovative as VP of Worldwide Sales after 21 years with the company, mostly in the areas of sales, marketing and product management. In 2009, she was invited to lead SkyRiver through its infancy to full production mode.
Can’t make it on June 13? No problem! Register now and you will get an email reminder from Library Journal post-live event when the webcast is archived and available for on-demand viewing at your convenience!
Authority, Connectivity, and Discovery: The Evolving Role of Reference in the Wiki Age
Date & Time: Thursday, June 14, 2012, 2:00-3:00 PM EST/11:00 AM -12:00 PM PST.
Details: The proliferation of free online resources has caused user habits and expectations to change drastically in the last decade, and there is no doubt that they will continue to evolve along with technology trends and advancements. Publishers, specifically reference publishers, have needed to meet these demands and have striven to exceed them - delivering new and innovative ways to access authoritative facts quickly, easily, and accurately. Some now deliver the next step in the research experience - providing effortless pathways beyond the facts and figures of free resources or standard reference, making the user’s journey into encyclopedias, scholarly works, and journal articles effortless and seamless. These publisher initiatives have the potential to revolutionize the role of reference in the library, and the way reference is used by researchers at every level.
Why are traditionally-published reference resources still necessary? What are publishers doing to make them accessible, usable, and discoverable in the library and on the free Web? How are these changes impacting reference’s presence in the library? How are user habits affecting how reference is published, developed, and utilized? Register now to hear our esteemed panel, including Oxford University Press’ Robert Faber, Editorial Director for Reference (UK), Dave Tyckoson, reference librarian and Associate Dean at California State University, Fresno, and Dinah Birch, Professor of English Literature and Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange at the University of Liverpool and Editor of the newest edition of the classic Oxford Companion to English Literature, 7th Edition, on a panel moderated by Library Journal and School Library Journal Reference Editor Etta Thornton, as they tackle the topic of the ever-changing role of, and need for, authoritative reference in today’s libraries in the “Wiki age.”
· Robert Faber - Editorial Director for Reference (UK), Oxford University Press
· Dave Tyckoson - Reference librarian and Associate Dean, California State University, Fresno
· Dinah Birch - Professor of English Literature, University of Liverpool
Etta Thornton-Verma - Reference Editor, Library Journal
Can’t make it June 14? No problem! Register now and you will get an email reminder from Library Journal post-live event when the webcast is archived and available for on-demand viewing at your convenience!
Texas State Library and Archives Commission Webinar
Repeat Viewing -- Outcome-Based Evaluation: Show me the [grant] money
June 27, 2012 -- Full Calendar Day
Did you miss our January 31 Webinar on Outcome-Based Evaluation with Nan Carmack (Director of the Campbell County Public Library System in Virginia)? If so, here is another chance for you to attend this Webinar. On June 27, 2012 we will offer a repeat viewing of the archived Webinar.
In this one hour archived Webinar, Nan Carmack focuses on enabling participants to articulate results (and predicted results) in a meaningful way to funders who want to know the difference their money makes in the lives of those served.
This archived Webinar will be available on June 27 only, housed within an online shortcourse on our Online Training site. The shortcourse consists of the archived Webinar video, related resources, a discussion forum activity and a short quiz. Participants who complete the course and receive at least 70% on the quiz are eligible to print a certificate of course completion worth 1.5 TSLAC CE hours.
Interested participants should follow these steps:
1. Prior to June 27, ensure that you have an account on our Online Training site: https://onlinetraining.tsl.state.tx.us. (Returning users, make sure you are able to log in with your username and password. New users, click “create new account”, submit your account registration form, and then confirm your account from your email inbox.)
2. On June 27, 2012, follow this link directly to the shortcourse: https://onlinetraining.tsl.state.tx.us/course/view.php?id=145. Log in with your login and password and then, from the course home page, click “enroll me in this course” located on the left side of the page. Once enrolled, start reading at the top of the course home page and work your way down.
3. Note that access to the archived Webinar video will ONLY be available during the calendar day of June 27. The course itself will remain open for one additional week to allow additional time to complete course activities and to print the completion certificate.
Questions? Please contact:
Naomi DiTullio
Distance Learning Consultant
Phone: 512-936-2586
WebJunction Webinar
That's Not What I Said!: Foundations of Interpersonal Communication
Date & Time: June 19, 2012 / Start time: 1:00 Eastern / 10:00 Pacific (Note: earlier start time)
Details: Our personalities affect how we view and relate to the world. Each of us have different learning and communication styles, fears, insecurities and defense mechanisms. This presentation will provide you with the tools to recognize your own and others' differences and become more aware of how they affect your relationships with customers and co-workers.
Booklist Webinar
What’s New in Audiobooks?
Date & Time: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 1:00 pm
Central Daylight Time (Chicago, GMT-05:00)
Central Daylight Time (Chicago, GMT-05:00)
Details: Celebrate National Audiobook Month this June with Booklist! Representatives from AudioGO, Books on Tape/Random House, Dreamscape, Recorded Books, and Tantor Audio will discuss the latest audios and upcoming trends in this hour-long, free webinar. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with audiobook experts and get a preview of summer and fall listening titles. Moderated by Booklist Media Editor Sue-Ellen Beauregard.
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