أقسام المدونة - أخر تحديث: 20/9/2020

06 نوفمبر 2015

ندوات مجانية للمكتبيين تُقدم عبر شبكة الإنترنت 54!

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،

السادة زوار المدونة الكرام، أقدم لكم اليوم مجموعة جديدة من الندوات المهنية المتخصصة في مجال المكتبات والمعلومات والتى يتم عقدها وبثها عبر شبكة الإنترنت مجاناً، وفيما يلي عرضاً مفصلاً لها.

قاعة اليسير للمكتبات والمكتبيين للتعليم عن بعد مجاناً

"الضبط الاستنادي لأسماء المؤلفين في المكتبات ومراكز المعلومات"

التاريخ والوقت: السبت 7 نوفمبر 2015. 7 مساءً بتوقيت الجزائر، 8 مساءً بتوقيت القاهرة، 9 مساءً بتوقيت مكة المكرمة. 10 مساءً بتوقيت الإمارات وسلطنة عمان.

المحاضر: الأستاذ / محمد بن خميس بن حمد البوسعيدي. ماجستير مكتبات ومعلومات، ورئيس قسم الفهرسة بالمكتبة الرئيسية بجامعة السلطان قابوس.

رابط المحاضرة: http://www.anymeeting.com/ganbah1، على أن يتم فتح القاعة قبل وقت المحاضرة المعلن بإذن الله تعالى بعشر دقائق.  

Infopeople Webinars

"Beyond the Survey: a practical approach to interviews and focus groups"

Date & Time: November 17th, 2015. Start Time: Pacific - 12 Noon, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM. 


Presenters: Stephanie Gerding and Brenda Hough  


* Do you want a more in-depth understanding of the true needs of your community?
* Are you interested in learning easy ways to get valuable input and advice from your staff or public by conducting focus groups and interviews?
* Would like to learn how to communicate the library story using meaningful examples to make your case and get results?

During this one-hour webinar, you will learn the four steps involved in focus groups and interviews. You’ll discover how to clearly define the goal or purpose, how to select participants, and how to successfully conduct the focus group or interviews. We’ll also discuss how to analyze and synthesize the data to create valuable results that you can package and deliver in meaningful and useful ways.

We will show you how to be successful whether conducting interviews and focus groups in-person or online. If you are planning training for your staff, working on a strategic plan, gathering expert knowledge to solve a problem, or gathering stories to influence politicians and decision-makers, this is the webinar for you!

At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will be able to:

* Recognize when to conduct focus groups or interviews.
* Incorporate tips and best practices for planning and conducting successful focus groups and interviews.
* Analyze and present the data from focus groups and interviews.

This webinar will be of interest to any library staff interested in using focus groups or interviews for the purposes of strategic planning, evaluation, needs assessments, gathering staff input, advocacy, or change management.

Webinars are free of charge; you can pre-register by clicking on the Register Now button (at the top and bottom of this page). If registering with less than 30 MINUTES from the start of the webinar you can join directly from the thank you page by clicking the Join Now button. If you pre-registered you will receive an email with login link and a reminder email the day before the event.

* Infopeople webinars can be viewed on iOS devices. Adobe® Connect™ Mobile for iOS(link is external)
* Webinar archive of this event will be available within 24 hours or sooner

"Digital Badging in the Library Community"

Date & Time: November 19th, 2015. Start Time: Pacific - 12 Noon, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM.


* What in the world are digital badges and why should you care?

* Remember those end-of-workshop paper certificates that validated your attendance? Where are they now?

* Want to know how you can use technology to create a virtual record of achievement? 

Even in today’s online world, the validation of professional growth is still critical, however small, online badges have now replaced those big, paper records in many cases. Your library can also give out badges to add validity to the programs you offer, and your staff can collect their own to demonstrate professional development and achievement.

Digital badging isn’t hard and it’s not expensive. Join Catherine Hakala-Ausperk to learn how to make digital badges work for you and your library community!


At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will:

* Be aware of at least three different ways that issuing digital badges can enhance library training and programming.

* Be able to design and create a branded badge template.

* Understand the four main steps in creating and sending individualized, digital badges.

This webinar will be of interest to all public library staff interested in learning how to create and use digital badging with their library’s training and programming.

Webinars are free of charge; you can pre-register by clicking on the Register Now button (at the top and bottom of this page). If registering with less than 30 MINUTES from the start of the webinar you can join directly from the thank you page by clicking the Join Now button. If you pre-registered you will receive an email with login link and a reminder email the day before the event.

* Infopeople webinars can be viewed on iOS devices. Adobe® Connect™ Mobile for iOS(link is external)
* Webinar archive of this event will be available within 24 hours or sooner

WebJunction Webinar


"Creating a Culture of Yes at Your Library and in Your Community"

Date & Time: Wednesday, November 18, 2015. 1:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00)

Presenters: Sharon Morris and Kieran Hixon, Colorado State Library.

Description: The immortal Kurt Vonnegut said, "The America I love still exists at the front desks of our public libraries." In this webinar, you can discover at least three ways to shift your library from good enough to unexpectedly amazing, and to take your community's image of the public library to new heights. Locate your library's first impressions, displays, customer service, policies and more on the "Yes-O-Meter" and understand how to move from "No" or "Yes, but..." to a powerful culture of "Yes, and!" The insights you gain for shifting your library culture will invigorate the relationships between your staff and with your community.


OCLC Webinars

"Simplifying access while realizing efficiencies in a law library"

Date & Time: Tuesday, November 10, 2015. 2:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00.

Description: Join this 30-minute webinar with guest presenters from the Chase Law Library at Northern Kentucky University. Tom Heard, Associate Professor of Law Library Services and Associate Director for Information Technology, and Jane Underwood, Assistant Professor of Law Library Services and Assistant Director for User Services, will share their library’s experience with WorldShare Management Services (WMS). During this session, you will:


* Hear why the Chase Law Library chose to implement WMS

* Learn the ways WMS is creating efficiencies for staff, faculty and students

* Explore how WMS has enabled staff to spend less time managing systems so they can focus on other priorities.


There will be plenty of time to answer audience questions. Register to join the live event and bring your questions for Tom and Jane.


"WorldShare Management Services for Library Groups: A detailed demonstration of consortial functionality"

Date & Time: Thursday, November 12, 2015. 12:30 pm Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00).


Description: During this one-hour demonstration of WorldShare Management Services for consortia and member libraries, you’ll see how to:

* Save costs and time while managing physical, digital and electronic collections;

* Retain autonomy for individual libraries even within a single cloud-based system;

* Extend data sharing within and beyond the group to the global library community without sacrificing privacy and policy differences; and

* Identify what items your consortium owns before making purchases for your individual library.


"Simplifying acquisitions: A detailed demonstration in WorldShare Acquisitions"

Date & Time: Thursday, November 12, 2015. 2:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00).

Description: During this one-hour detailed demonstration of WorldShare® Acquisitions, you will:


* Get a first-hand look at how your library can save time in your acquisitions workflows

* See how all physical and electronic acquisitions functions are available from one Web-based interface, eliminating the need to go back and forth between multiple systems

* Learn how you can access vendor data, WorldCat® and the WorldCat® knowledge base easily, as well as leverage the shared work of libraries and share vendor information.

"WorldCat Discovery Best Practices"

Date & Time: Tuesday, November 17, 2015. 11:30 am Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00).

Description: Planning your transition to WorldCat Discovery and wondering how other libraries have done it? Join your colleagues as we learn from an private, 4-year academic library who is live on WorldCat Discovery. You’ll hear from Jonathan Helmke, the Assistant Director for Library Systems and Technical Services and University Archivist for the Charles C. Myers Library at the University of Dubuque in Dubuque, Iowa. Jonathan and his fellow librarians will share how they’ve implemented WorldCat Discovery and promoted it to their users in the context of their library’s move to WorldShare Management Services (WMS). You’ll hear how library staff meet the specialized needs of their students, faculty and staff through WorldCat Discovery—and gain insights and best practices to help with your own transition to the new service that replaces FirstSearch in 2016. Join us for a relevant, timely conversation. 

"Managing your licenses and e-resources: A detailed demonstration in WorldShare License Manager and WorldCat knowledge base"

Date & Time: Tuesday, November 17, 2015. 2:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00).


During this one-hour detailed demonstration of WorldShare Management Services, you will learn how WorldShare License Manager brings together the two key features of electronic resource management: (1) knowledge about licenses that govern their purchase and use, and (2) knowledge base and linking technology that connect users to needed content in a single place.

License Manager:
 You will see how to reduce the complexity of managing all of your licenses and how you can eliminate the need to synchronize data across multiple interfaces to manage license agreements, rights, access and resolution to full text. 

WorldCat knowledge base:
 You will see how the knowledge base provides comprehensive data about the e-resources of member libraries, automatically updating records in WorldCat, thus giving instant access to licensed resources for users. Also, you will see there is no additional necessary uploading or synchronization of licensed resources with local catalogs. 

"QuestionPoint use by the California and Virginia Community College Systems"

Date & Time: Thursday, November 19, 2015. 1:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00).

Description: Hear how two college libraries use the QuestionPoint reference management service to deliver reference services to students whenever and wherever they need assistance. Presenters will share their experiences with implementing and managing virtual reference services through QuestionPoint.

This program features presentations by:


* Glorian Sipman, Technical Services/Collection Development Librarian, MiraCosta College Library.


* Jacque Dessino, Electronic Services Librarian, Tidewater Community College Libraries.


"Save, simplify and streamline - A WMS Success Story: Montclair State University"

Date & Time: Thursday, November 19, 2015. 2:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00).


Join this 30-minute webinar with guest presenters from the Harry A. Sprague Library at Montclair State University in New Jersey. Mary Mallery, Associate Dean of Technical Services, and Denise O’Shea, Head of Access Services & Systems, will share their library’s experience with WorldShare Management Services (WMS). During this session you will:


* Learn how the Sprague Library is saving time and money by leveraging the benefits of a cloud-based, library system, such as not having to update desktop clients.

* Hear how streamlined acquisitions, cataloging and e-resources workflows have enabled the library staff to focus on new priorities, such as an institutional repository.

* Find out how simplified discovery has increased patron holds and overall collection usage.


There will be plenty of time to answer audience questions. Register to join the live event and bring your questions for Mary and Denise.

"Changes Are Coming To How You Manage Your EBSCO Collections"

Date & Time: Monday, November 23, 2015. 10:00 am Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00).

Description: OCLC is pleased to announce that the way you managed your EBSCO collections will be incorporated into WorldShare Collection Manager. Since your library currently receives WorldCat MARC records for EBSCO titles, we will provide access to Collection Manager to manage your EBSCO records. To ensure uninterrupted record delivery, we recommend completing your migration by 31 March 2016. The current service to manage your EBSCO collections will be discontinued after March 2016. You will receive another communication to inform you when your collections are available to enable MARC record delivery. 

To aid you in this change, we are providing a free webinar on Monday, November 23rd at 10:00 AM EST as an opportunity to address questions you may have related to this change.

In these webinars, you will see how to:

• Create a WorldShare account (if you don’t already have one)
• Set up your EBSCO profile in WorldShare Collection Manager
• Enable MARC record delivery for EBSCO titles 
• Define record editing and delivery options for your EBSCO titles 

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