أقسام المدونة - أخر تحديث: 20/9/2020

27 نوفمبر 2013

المنح والجوائز المقدمة للباحثين في مجال المكتبات والمعلومات 4!

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،

نقلاً عن الأخت العزيزة والزميلة الفاضلة الأستاذة/ هبة إسماعيل، مدير فنى المكتبات بجمعية الرعاية المتكاملة منحتان مقدمتان من جمعية المكتبات الأمريكية American Library Association (ALA)، وهما على النحو التالي:

Bogle Pratt International Travel Fund:

Applications Sought for the Bogle Pratt 

International Library Travel Fund:

The American Library Association is accepting applications for the 2014 Bogle Pratt International Library Travel Fund sponsored by the Bogle Memorial Fund and the Pratt Institute School of Information and Library Science. An award of $1,000 is given to an ALA personal member to attend their first international conference. An international conference may be defined as a conference sponsored by an international organization or a conference held in a country other than your home country. Recipients must be personal members of the American Library Association (ALA) for at least one full year. The deadline to submit applications is January 1, 2014. Winner will be announced after the ALA Midwinter Meeting.
The award is in recognition of Sarah Comly Norris Bogle, a prominent U.S. librarian who made notable contributions to international library service.
Applications should be sent to:
International Relations Office
American Library Association
50 E. Huron St.
Chicago, IL 60611-2795

- Bogle Pratt Award Application (Word document)

Online Course Grant for Library Professionals from Developing Countries:


The goal of this program is helping library professionals from developing countries stay current with the latest trends and developments in technical services areas and enhance their professional knowledge and skills in librarianship and information science.

One free seat per ALCTS online continuing educational course session is available to librarians and information professionals from developing countries.


Applicants must:

- Have a degree in library or information science (e.g. a 4-year undergraduate degree or a master’s) or,

* Be enrolled in a library or information science program in a developing country or,
* Be working as a librarian or information professional in a developing country
* Be a legal national from a qualifying developing country (see lists of Qualifying Countries: World Bank  |  United Nations) living in this country.

- Have working knowledge of English

- Have technical abilities to participate in an online course: *

* Computer skills: be comfortable with Internet browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc.; a word processing program, such as Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, etc., be able to send emails with attachments; copy and paste text; download and save a file, install a program or plug-in; quickly learn a new program using online tutorial or Help section;

* Regular unlimited access to a computer (at least a Pentium II-based PC or a G3 PowerMac machine;

* A reliable high-speed Internet connection (Broadband or DSL, or at least 56k modem);

* Antivirus software installed and kept up-to-date on a computer.

  ** See
 Are you ready for online learning? for general information on online learning. Also look for technical requirements at course description as they may vary from course to course. Send e-mail to jreese@ala.org if you have any questions.

* Financial need in assistance due to insufficient or lack of funding for professional development from your employer.

- Legal nationals from developing countries studying abroad are not eligible for this grant.

Project Promotion:

The information about ALCTS online courses for librarians or information professionals from developing countries will be posted at the web sites of ALCTS Continuing Education Committee and International Relations Committee. The courses will be also advertised at the alaworld discussion list.

A link to the Online Course Schedules, the Application Form and a list of Qualifying Countries will be provided to the ALA divisional international relations committees’ web sites and appropriate discussion lists.

Application Procedures:


Registration for ALCTS grants will open after the annual schedule of courses becomes available. The IRC Committee creates the registration schedule and decides on the number of sessions open for simultaneous registration. Registration will stay open for at least 30 but no more than 45 days.


Applications for course sections beginning between February 24 and August 18, 2014 may be submitted between November 26 and December 30, 2013. After December 30, the application will be closed.

- Applicants must submit the interactive web form at: https://alctsprogram.wufoo.com/forms/alcts-online-course-grant-application-form/

- The form must be completed in English.

- The number of courses that one individual can receive is no more than two free courses per year.


The ALCTS International Relations Committee will review all applications according to eligibility and required criteria and select the winners. E-mail acceptance will be sent to a successful applicant as soon as the decision is made but not later than three weeks prior to the course starting date. If a winner does not respond to the Award letter within two weeks after receiving the award notice, her/his seat will be offered to the next eligible applicant.

Waiting List:

The Committee may create a waiting list for eligible applicants if necessary. The applicants placed on a waiting list will be informed about the status of their application. They have the option to stay on the waiting list, or to withdraw their application. The waiting list will be kept for one year. Applicants who were not selected during the one-year waiting list period are encouraged to resubmit applications for the next year's course offerings.

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