أقسام المدونة - أخر تحديث: 20/9/2020

09 مارس 2013

سلسلة ندوات مجانية للمشاركة Free webinars to Engage: Young Adult Audiences through Visual Arts Programming!

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،
السادة زوار المدونة الكرام، يقدم مكتب البرامج  العامة بجمعية المكتبات الأمريكية  American Library Association (ALA) Public Programs Office و ProgrammingLibrarian.org سلسلة ندوات مجانية من ثلاث أجزاء لأخصائي المكتبات المدرسية ومكتبات الصغار والبالغين التى تقدم "المشاركة!  نموذج البرمجة". والتي وضعتها جمعية المكتبات الأمريكية  وتم تجريبها في عشر مكتبات بولاية إلينوي في عام 2010، "المشاركة! والمراهقين، والفن، والمشاركة الوطنية" يقدم لجمهور الشباب موضوعات المشاركة الوطنية باستخدام الفنون البصرية كنقطة انطلاق للمناقشة والعمل.

وفيما يلي عرضاً مفصلاً لها:

Free webinars to Engage! Young Adult Audiences through Visual Arts Programming.

The American Library Association (ALA) Public Programs Office and ProgrammingLibrarian.org are pleased to announce a free, three-part series of webinars for school and young adult librarians that introduces the Engage! programming model. Developed by ALA and piloted in ten Illinois libraries in 2010, “Engage! Teens, Art, and Civic Participation” introduces young audiences to themes of civic participation using the visual arts as a springboard for discussion and action. This project is funded by the Searle Funds at the Chicago Community Trust and the Terra Foundation for American Art.

During these three free webinars, participants will:

·                     Hear from librarians who participated in the Engage! Pilot program, who will share what worked and what didn’t with teens.
·                     Be introduced to a free PDF guide to the Engage! Model, featuring detailed instructions on how to get started.
·                     Learn how to formulate effective “looking questions” that will elicit participation and engagement with art and thematic content.
·                     Learn how to select images that will illuminate relevant civic participation issues for teen discussion and learning.

Engage! Teens, Art & Civic Participation: An Introduction

Thursday, March 21, 2013, 2:00 p.m. Central time - Registration

In this first session, learn more about this program model for young adults that uses visual art as a springboard to civic engagement. Three librarians who participated in the pilot project—Marcus Lumpkin, Youmedia, Chicago Public Library; Tom Spicer, Arlington Heights (Ill.) Memorial Library; and Nanette Freeman, Portage-Cragin Branch, Chicago Public Library—will share their programs and how they can be adapted for other libraries; in addition, a free project resource guide will be debuted during this webinar.

Engage! Teens, Art & Civic Participation: Creating Compelling Discussion through Art

Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 2:00 p.m. Central time - Registration

This second session will delve in to how to present and look at art. Sarah Alvarez, director of Teacher Programs at the Art Institute of Chicago, will discuss how to ask looking questions and frame issues and activities. Brandy Morrill, an Engage! pilot librarian at the Chinatown Branch of the Chicago Public Library, will share how this adaptable approach worked in her library.

Engage! Teens, Art & Civic Participation: Creating Local, Issues-Based Programming

Wednesday May 15, 2013, 2:00 p.m Central time - Registration

This session will focus on issues-based discussions for teen audiences, using the Engage! Teens, Art & Civic Participation model. Adam Davis, director for the Project on Civic Reflection and an advisor to the Engage! project, will walk webinar participants through how to identify locally relevant issues and images for issues-based teen programming, and Christie Chandler-Stahl, formerly of the Evanston (Ill.) Public Library and currently at the Rakow Branch of the Gail Borden Public Library District in Elgin, Illinois, will share her approach in her former library and how she would adapt it for her current one.

The Engage! Project builds on the NEH’s Picturing America art initiative through the development of supplemental resources that utilize the visual arts as a springboard to civic engagement for young adult audiences. The objective for these resources is to deepen participants’ knowledge and appreciation of American art and its relation to American history and civic life, and to contribute to the development of informed and discerning voters. Through the thematic selection of visual arts resources as points of engagement, participants are led in facilitated discussions on and interactions with the depth and history of American civic life. Resources have been specifically designed for opt-in youth audiences in public library settings.

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