عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،
تقدم جمعية مجموعات المكتبات والخدمات الفنية Association of Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) التابعة لجمعية المكتبات الأمريكية American
Library Association (ALA)
ندوة مهنية مجانية بعنوان: "مقارنات المقتنيات: لماذا هن معقدات جداً؟ Holdings Comparisons:
Why are they so complicated?"
تتناول من خلالها موضوع مقارنات المقتنيات.
وصف الندوة: كأخصائيي مكتبات نبحث عن سبل مبتكرة وفعالة للتعاون ومشاركة المصادر، يعد فهم مقتنيات المكتبات الشريكة أمرً ضرورياً ليس فقط من أجل تقاسم المصادر ولكن أيضاً لأغراض الحفظ.
كيف يمكن للمكتبات العمل معاً لمقارنة ممتلكاتها
حيث أنها تفكر من خلال موضوعات إدارة المجموعات وحفظها؟ هذا ما سوف يتم مناقشته في هذه الندوة حيث يتم مناقشة
تحديات مقارنة المقتنيات وتقديم اقتراحات حول كيفية فهم الأدوات المتوفرة للقيام
يلي عرضاً مفصلاً لها:
Date & Time: November 28, 2012
All webinars are one hour in length and begin
at 11am Pacific, noon Mountain, 1pm Central, and 2pm Eastern time.
Description: As librarians look for innovative and effective ways to
collaborate and share resources, understanding holdings of partner libraries is
imperative not only for resource sharing but also for preservation purposes.
How can libraries work together to compare their holdings as they think through
issues of collection management and preservation? This webinar will discuss the
challenges of comparing holdings and provide suggestions on how to understand
the tools that are available to do this.
Learning Outcomes: Attendees will learn about
the tools that are available to help them compare holdings with their resource
sharing partners.
Audience: The webinar is geared toward academic libraries and those interested in understanding how their collections overlap with those of a preservation agency, such as Portico or with the collection of another library.
Presenter: Amy Kirchhoff has been the Archive Service Product Manager for Portico since 2006. She is responsible for creation and execution of archival policy and oversees operation and development of the Portico website. Prior to her work at Portico, Amy was director of technology for JSTOR and also served as a member of the shared software development group at ITHAKA. She has published articles on Portico’s preservation methodology and policies in several publications including most recently Learned Publishing and The Serials Librarian.
Audience: The webinar is geared toward academic libraries and those interested in understanding how their collections overlap with those of a preservation agency, such as Portico or with the collection of another library.
Presenter: Amy Kirchhoff has been the Archive Service Product Manager for Portico since 2006. She is responsible for creation and execution of archival policy and oversees operation and development of the Portico website. Prior to her work at Portico, Amy was director of technology for JSTOR and also served as a member of the shared software development group at ITHAKA. She has published articles on Portico’s preservation methodology and policies in several publications including most recently Learned Publishing and The Serials Librarian.
Sponsor: ALCTS thanks ITHAKA for their support of this webinar.
Registration: This webinar is presented on a complimentary basis. There is no fee for this session, but registration is required.
Registration: This webinar is presented on a complimentary basis. There is no fee for this session, but registration is required.
For additional information, please go to the
following website:
ALCTS webinars are recorded and registrants receive a link to the recording shortly following the live event.
ALCTS webinars are recorded and registrants receive a link to the recording shortly following the live event.
For questions about registration, contact ALA
Registration by calling 1-800-545-2433 and press 5 or email registration@ala.org. For all other questions or comments related
to the webinars, contact Julie Reese, ALCTS Events Manager at 1-800-545-2433,
ext. 5034 or alctsce@ala.org
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