أقسام المدونة - أخر تحديث: 20/9/2020

04 أكتوبر 2012

مساعدة المكتبات لتزدهر اليوم وغداً Helping Libraries Thrive Today and Tomorrow!

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،

تقدم Cerado Reference سلسلة من الندوات المهنية الجديدة والتى تعقد وتبث عبر شبكة الإنترنت مجاناً في الفترة ما بين أكتوبر 2012، ويناير 2013، تحت عنوان: "مساعدة المكتبات لتزدهر اليوم وغداً Helping Libraries Thrive Today and Tomorrow".

وفيما يلي عرضاً مفصلاً لتلك الندوات:

From School to Workforce: Information Literacy, Critical Thinking, and Problem-Solving Skills

Presenters:  William Badke, Associate Librarian, Trinity Western University; Jennifer Homer, Vice President of Communications and Career Development, American Society for Training and Development; Lana Jackman, President, National Forum on Information Literacy

Description: Recent reports from employers indicate that employees enter the workforce from school without the continuous learning competencies necessary for their personal and professional success.  Among these are information literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving.  This webinar will explore how these essential habits might be embedded in the transition from secondary schools, vocational and technical schools, community colleges, colleges, and universities to the world of work.

Registration: Tuesday, October 16 at 10:30 AM EST 

Library Language: Vocabularies for the Modern Librarian

Presenters:  Beth Ardner, Manager of Distributor Relations, Credo Reference; Deirdre Costello, Associate Platform Manager, Credo Reference

Description: The age of librarians toiling away in dust and silence is long over - if it ever existed at all. Librarians are in touch with different groups almost constantly, and librarianship today requires some serious communication skills. Whether it's other librarians, administrators, users, publishers or vendors, librarians have to juggle several different vocabularies to make sure they're communicating as clearly as possible.

We'd like to draw on our sales, publishing, usability and web design experience to help build some guidelines and answer questions about communicating with some of these groups. This seminar will focus specifically on communicating with publishers, vendors and users, but we'd love to hear what you have to say about communication in libraries!


Register for Monday, November 12 at 11:00 AM EDT: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/901589288

Register for Wednesday, November 14 at 2:00 PM EDT: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/462921872

The Socialite Library

Presenter: Katy Kelly, Communications and Outreach Librarian, University of Dayton

Description: Feel like you’re using social media on behalf of your library “just because” and to an unresponsive audience? Think of a great party host. They plan the party and provide a welcoming space. Maybe they even incentivize you to attend and participate. Great hosts also take the time to check how their guests are doing, respond to needs and complaints, and adjust the party to accommodate future attendees. Learn how one library revamped its social media by thinking like a socialite party host. Katy Kelly, Communications and Outreach Librarian at University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, will describe her use of Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, and Instagram on behalf of Roesch Library to embrace the student-created nickname, Club Roesch.


Register for Tuesday, December 11 at 10:00 am EDT: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/113545448

Register for Thursday, December 13 at 2:00 pm EDT: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/978270929

To Evaluation and Beyond: The Evolving Role of the Embedded Librarian

Presenter: David Shumaker, Clinical Associate Professor, Catholic University of America

Description: Higher education administrators and faculty are increasingly attuned to the importance of information literacy and the role of academic librarians in teaching it. With this new engagement come new challenges, including the need to balance cost and quality, helping to shape instructional strategy, and especially developing meaningful evaluation of students’ information literacy learning. Also on the horizon are embedded data curation and new roles beyond instruction. This webinar will explore key trends in embedded librarianship today.

Registration:  Monday, January 14 at 1:00 PM EDT

NOTE: If you'd like to view the webinar times in different time zones, we recommend using Time Zone Converter.

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