أقسام المدونة - أخر تحديث: 20/9/2020

07 مارس 2018

ندوات مجانية للمكتبيين تُقدم عبر شبكة الإنترنت 82!

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،

السادة زوار المدونة الكرام، أقدم لكم اليوم مجموعة جديدة من الندوات المهنية المتخصصة في مجال المكتبات والمعلومات والتى يتم عقدها وبثها عبر شبكة الإنترنت مجاناً، وفيما يلي عرضاً مفصلاً لها.

Infopeople Webinars

“Facilitating Constructive Contributions: Dealing with Difficult Behaviors; Helping People Share from a Better Place”

Date & Time: March 7th, 2018. Start Time: Pacific - 12 Noon, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM  

Description: Basic facilitation skills involve keeping a group on topic and on time.  But what happens when a participant needs special attention? This webinar will identify common types of disruptive behavior and share multiple methods for facilitators to keep the conversation constructive.  We’ll discuss what kinds of factors lead caring people to become the "difficult" ones to better understand which strategy to use when. We’ll also review how to create the conditions that reduce the likelihood of difficult of behaviors in the first place.  Bring questions from your own challenging facilitation moments for the extended question and answer session.

This session is hosted by the California State Library, represented by Suzanne Flint. The lead presenter will be Susan Stuart Clark, with case examples curated from California librarians experienced in facilitating challenging participants.

This webinar will be of interest to: Librarians and library staff who have had experience designing and facilitating group discussions on important issues and are interested in deepening their group process skills.

Webinars are free of charge, you can pre-register by clicking on the Register Now button at the top of this page. If you pre-registered, you will receive an email with login link and a reminder email the day before the event.

“Handling Negative Feedback Online: Strategies for your Library”

Date & Time: March 8th, 2018. Start Time: Pacific - 12 Noon, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM

Presenter: Laura Solomon

Description: We all dread it: the negative comment. Whether it's on a blog post, in an email or on a social media channel, negative feedback can quickly demoralize us and leave us wondering how to respond.

In this webinar we'll examine the most common kinds of negative commentary and the best methods for handling each. We'll also learn what differentiates an online troll from other kinds of negative users and what to do if you encounter one. Get ready to be a whole lot more prepared the next time one of those undesirable comments appears!

At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will:

* Be familiar with the 4 types of negative online feedback
* Be aware of the 6 steps for handling negative feedback
* Be able to define a troll and how a troll differs from other types of negative feedback

This webinar will be of interest to: Staff responsible for handling online patron comments and feedback.

Webinars are free of charge. You can pre-register by clicking on the Register Now button. If you pre-registered, you will receive an email with login link and a reminder email the day before the event.

“Teaching Privacy in Libraries: strategies and tools”

Date & Time: March 29th, 2018. Start Time: Pacific - 12 Noon, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM

Presenter: Alison Macrina

Description: At a time when society is facing a new set of challenges around privacy, surveillance, censorship and free speech, library workers, as stewards of information and providers of internet access, are in a prime position to educate patrons about their digital rights.

Join presenter Alison Macrina, director of the Library Freedom Project, as she discusses practical strategies that can bring privacy back to our library communities at a time when these rights are most at risk. She will demonstrate tools and best practices that can be taught in any library environment, in one-on-one patron interactions or computer classes.

At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will:

* Learn about standard privacy best practices including: passwords and password managers, endpoint security and software updates
* Become familiar with several of the most trusted privacy technologies including the Tor browser and HTTPS
* Learn how to incorporate privacy literacy into existing computer classes, or teach a standalone privacy class as well as how to stay up to date on privacy news and information

This webinar will be of interest to: All library staff, but particularly those who offer programs around technology.

Webinars are free of charge, you can pre-register by clicking on the Register Now button at the top of this page). If you pre-registered, you will receive an email with login link and a reminder email the day before the event.

WebJunction Webinars

“Visualizing Funding for Libraries: You’ve Gathered the Data, Now What?”

Date & Time: 14 March 2018. 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4] 

Presenters: Kate Tkacik, Manager of the Funding Information Network, the Foundation Center; and Ellen Jacks, Grants and Reference Librarian at University of Wisconsin-Madison

Description: In 2017, the Visualizing (and Finding!) Funding for Libraries webinar introduced you to a dynamic and freely available data-visualization tool that enables library professionals and supporters to search for institutional funding for libraries at national, state and local levels. This webinar will re-familiarize you with the tool and then explore how to take the next steps with your data visualizations. Presenters will connect key data findings from the tool to national trends in philanthropic support for libraries. Using the tool to leverage networks and relationships, learn how to generate a viable list of potential funders to research further in order to determine the right fit for your library. You’ll also learn the action steps to take after identifying a funding prospect that will get your proposal to the top of the pile.

“Intergenerational Programs at the Library: Connecting Generations for Healthy Communities”

Date & Time: 29 March 2018. 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4] 

Presenters: Jennifer Kulik, Ph.D., Founder and CEO of Silver Kite Community Arts; and Wendy Pender, Older Adults Project Specialist, King County Library System (WA)

Description: Walk into almost any public library and you’ll see people of all ages engaging in the community space. When libraries offer programs and services that intentionally spark connection between generations, they contribute to more vibrant and cohesive communities. Learn how your library can develop inviting opportunities to encourage more intergenerational connections on a day-to day basis. This webinar will discuss why intergenerational relationships are important and will help you develop skills to foster intergenerational communication in your library. We’ll explore ideas and resources that will turn your library into a community intergenerational catalyst.

OCLC Webinars

“Leveraging the power of the cloud and cooperation”

Date & Time: 15 March 2018.  2:00 PM – 2:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4] 

Description: Discover how your library can benefit from a powerful suite of cloud-based services:

* Shared data. With shared WorldCat data available across the platform, your library staff experience improved efficiencies and the reduction of redundant tasks.
* Shared infrastructure. A shared open, cloud-based platform enables your library to retire old servers and to stop installing software updates. And updates happen automatically, so you’re always on the latest version.
* Shared community. An active community of librarians collaborate to share best practices and to guide development, as well as to share bibliographic records via WorldCat.

“Simplifying circulation and course reserves: A demonstration in WorldShare Management Services”

Date & Time: 20 March 2018. 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4] 

Description: During this webinar, you will learn how you can streamline all of your circulation tasks through a single, Web-based interface. You’ll also hear about the new Digby mobile app designed to assist you in the stacks with real-time data. WMS brings efficiency to tasks like taking inventory, since circulation functions can be performed on any device with a Web browser, such as a tablet or smartphone.

“What’s hiding in your library? How to tell which print monographs to preserve and which to remove”

Date & Time: 27 March 2018. 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4] 

Description: During this session, you will learn:

* Why deselection and deacquisition are considered best practices in the library profession
* How academic libraries of any size and focus can benefit from responsible deselection
* The value of visualizing your data and efficiently reviewing circulation counts and bibliographic information to inform decisions
* Methods to uncover unique or rare materials that need preservation.

“Managing and acquiring your physical serials: A demonstration in WorldShare Management Services”

Date & Time: 29 March 2018. 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4] 

Description: Find out how to:

* Save staff time by utilizing cooperatively managed publication patterns
* Discover missing items by knowing when other libraries have received an issue that your library has not
* See how the services simplify the task of including physical serials in your library’s A-Z list.

خالص التحية والتقدير،
د.غدير مجدي عبد الوهاب

05 مارس 2018

أعمال المؤتمر الثامن والعشرون للاتحاد العربي للمكتبات والمعلومات!

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،

السادة زوار المدونة الكرام، نقلاً عن المجموعة الرسمية للاتحاد العربي للمكتبات والمعلومات على الفيس بوك، يُتاح كتيب أعمال المؤتمر الثامن والعشرون للاتحاد العربي للمكتبات والمعلومات كاملاً، والذي عقد بالقاهرة في الفترة من 27 إلى 29 نوفمبر 2017، تحت عنوان: "شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي وتأثيراتها في مؤسسات المعلومات في العالم العربي، وذلك من خلال الرابط التالي: http://www.arab-afli.org/main/post_details.php?alias=AFLI_28_Book  

خالص تحياتي وتقديري،
د. غدير مجدي عبد الوهاب