أقسام المدونة - أخر تحديث: 20/9/2020

19 ديسمبر 2017

أعمال المؤتمر الثامن للجمعية السعودية للمكتبات والمعلومات!

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته، 

نقلاً عن معالي الدكتور/ سعد الزهري، تم إتاحة النصوص الكاملة لبحوث المؤتمر الثامن للجمعية السعودية للمكتبات والمعلومات والذي تم عقده في الرياض في الفترة من 31 أكتوبر  إلى 2  نوفمبر2017، وفيما يلي روابط التحميل:

خالص تحياتي وتقديري،
د.غدير مجدي عبد الوهاب

14 ديسمبر 2017

ندوات مجانية للمكتبيين تُقدم عبر شبكة الإنترنت 79!

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،

السادة زوار المدونة الكرام، أقدم لكم اليوم مجموعة جديدة من الندوات المهنية المتخصصة في مجال المكتبات والمعلومات والتى يتم عقدها وبثها عبر شبكة الإنترنت مجاناً، وفيما يلي عرضاً مفصلاً لها.

WebJunction Webinars

“From Tots to Teens: STE(A)M-powered Ideas for Programming”

Date & Time: 14 December 2017. 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, North America [UTC -5]

Presenters: Heather Love Beverley, Cook Memorial Public Library District, Libertyville, IL; and Heather Thompson, Youth Services Programming Librarian, Kenosha Public Library, WI.

Description: Whether you're already full steam ahead with STE(A)M programming in your library or not sure how to get started or somewhere in between, there's something for you in this webinar. Our presenters—"The Heathers"—are passionate about creating engaging and skill-building STE(A)M programs for kids from preschool age to teenage. Find out what to look for in a good program and hear their top picks for programs for each age range. Learn some tips, tricks and useful resources. Get inspired—you don’t need to be a scientist or engineer to have fun exploring and learning with the kids in your library.

Together, "The Heathers" have created more than 60 different STEM/STEAM programs for children. Their blog, STEM in Libraries, offers lesson plans, supply lists, resource links and more for these programs. In addition to STEM-related webinars and staff trainings, they presented "52 Weeks of STEM @ Your Library" at the 2015 Illinois Library Association Conference, the 2016 Public Library Association Conference, the 2016 Public Library Association Virtual Conference, and the 2016 ALA Annual Conference as an ALSC Hot Topic. Heather Love Beverley was a 2012 ALA Emerging Leader, and Heather Thompson was a 2017 ALA Emerging Leader.

“Going Deeper with Social Media”

Date & Time: 19 December 2017. 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, North America [UTC -5]

Presenters: Lisa Bunker, Social Media Librarian, Pima County Public Library (AZ); and Cesar Garza, Reference Librarian, Chair Social Media Team, Austin Public Library (TX)

Description: Learn how to take the next steps toward amplifying your library’s social media program. During this third webinar in our social media series, we’ll discuss best practices in growing your library's social media program and managing user engagement. You’ll learn tips on assessing your library’s audience based on their preferred platforms and ideas for converting your in-person library community into an online community.

This webinar is part three in a series hosted in collaboration with TechSoup.

TechSoup for Libraries Webinar

“Going Deeper with Social Media”

Date & Time: 19 December 2017. 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, North America [UTC -5]

Presenter: Lisa Bunker Social Media Librarian, Pima County Public Library (AZ); and Cesar Garza, Reference Librarian, Chair Social Media Team, Austin Public Library (TX).

Description: Learn how to take the next steps toward amplifying your library’s social media program. During this third webinar in our social media series, we’ll discuss best practices in growing your library's social media program and managing user engagement. We’ll also cover tips on assessing your library’s audience based on their preferred platforms and converting your in-person library community into an online community.

خالص تحياتي وتقديري،
د. غدير مجدي عبد الوهاب

08 نوفمبر 2017

ندوات مجانية للمكتبيين تُقدم عبر شبكة الإنترنت 78!

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،

السادة زوار المدونة الكرام، أقدم لكم اليوم مجموعة جديدة من الندوات المهنية المتخصصة في مجال المكتبات والمعلومات والتى يتم عقدها وبثها عبر شبكة الإنترنت مجاناً، وفيما يلي عرضاً مفصلاً لها.

Infopeople Webinars

“Protecting Your Online Privacy: Risks and Strategies”

Date & Time: November 9th, 2017 8:00 PM.

Presenter: Laura Solomon 


Would you like to learn more about why you should care about your online privacy?

The topic of online privacy is growing in importance as people realize the long-term ramifications of not being privacy-aware. This webinar will cover why protecting one's online privacy is now so critical and what can happen when one doesn't. We'll also look at various concrete methods and tools you can use to help insure online privacy as much as possible.

At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will:

* Be familiar with 3 or more potential risk categories of online activity
* Be aware of how some libraries are already dealing with online privacy issues
* Learn of some specific strategies and tools for managing and protecting online privacy

This webinar will be of interest to: Library staff wanting to learn more about privacy issues for either themselves or for library users.

Webinars are free of charge, you can pre-register by clicking on the Register Now button at the top of this page. If you pre-registered, you will receive an email with login link and a reminder email the day before the event.

“Storytelling for Community Relationships”

Date & Time: November 14th, 2017 12:00 PM

Presenter: Barbara Alvarez

Description: Do you want to develop more meaningful relationships with your library’s community? Would you like to create sustainable engagement with local businesses, organizations and library users?

Enter storytelling- it’s not just for kids! The people who use the library and live in the community have tons of unique perspectives and messages to share- they just need an outlet. Libraries can play an integral role by giving those stories a platform. Storytelling is a powerful tool because it builds trust and understanding. From podcasts, videos, livestreams and unique programming, there are many ways that librarians can utilize the power of storytelling to build transformational community relationships.

At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will:

* Be able to describe what storytelling is and why it matters to library communities
* Be able to identify 3 different ways that libraries can collaborate with communities to tell and share stories
* Be able to understand different technology tools and resources to share stories with the wider community

This webinar will be of interest to: Public, academic and special librarians who would like to connect to their communities through storytelling.

Webinars are free of charge, you can pre-register by clicking on the Register Now button at the top of this page. If you pre-registered, you will receive an email with login link and a reminder email the day before the event.

WebJunction Webinar

“Social Media Analytics: What to Measure and Why”

Date & Time: 30 November 2017. 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, North America [UTC -5]

Presenters: Molly Bacon, Social Media Manager, TechSoup for Libraries; and Cherise Mead, Librarian III, Marketing Team Lead, Mesa Public Library (AZ)

Description: Now that you are using social media to engage with your community, how do you know if it’s working? If you don’t know where to start when planning your social media metrics, join us to learn the best methods to measure your library's social media outcomes. During this event, you will learn how to establish measurable goals, identify key performance indicators (KPIs), and evaluate your social media results.

This webinar is part two in a series hosted in collaboration with TechSoup.

OCLC Webinars

“OCLC Distinguished Seminar Series”

Date & Time: 9 November 2017, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, North America [UTC -5]

Description: In this presentation, Char Booth will address the concept that open access has had a huge impact on publishing and scholarly communication, yet who you are, what you earn, and how you research still create serious barriers to information availability. Char will examine open access through the perspective of information privilege, highlighting actions libraries and allied organizations can take to reduce access inequities in pursuit of social and economic justice. The event will be held at OCLC’s global headquarters in Dublin, Ohio, and attendees have the option to attend virtually or in-person.

“Expanding discovery and visibility of all your library’s collections: A demonstration of the WMS discovery interface”

Date & Time: Wednesday, November 15, 2017. 2:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00) 

Description: During this 45-minute demonstration of WorldCat Discovery Services and how they work with WorldShare Management Services, you will:

* See how you can provide your end users with single-search access to your library’s full array of resources–electronic, print and digital

* Learn how staff and users can choose from integrated delivery options, including linking to full text through built-in link resolution and an A to Z list, linking to your OPAC and requesting items via consortial borrowing systems or interlibrary loan

* Understand how your library can gain more visibility on the Web through OCLC's partnerships with leading search engines and popular sites

* Hear how simple these OCLC services are to configure and maintain, and how they build on OCLC services your library already may use.

خالص تحياتي وتقديري،
د. غدير مجدي عبد الوهاب

03 نوفمبر 2017

محرك بحث المكتبي المعاصر!

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،
السادة زوار المدونة الكرام أقدم لحضراتكم مفاجأة المدونة "محرك بحث المكتبي المعاصر"، وهو متخصص في مجال علم المكتبات والمعلومات ثنائي اللغة (اللغة العربية - اللغة الإنجليزية). ولقد تم إنشائه اعتماداً على جوجل "محرك بحث جوجل المخصص Google Custom Search Engine" وهو يُكشف مائتي وثمانية وستين موقعاً متخصصاً في مجال المكتبات والمعلومات (البوابات والمدونات والمنتديات المتخصصة، ومواقع الجمعيات المهنية المتخصصة، والكتب والدوريات العلمية المتخصصة، إلى جانب المكتبات والمستودعات الرقمية مفتوحة الوصول المتخصصة أو من بين تغطيتها الموضوعية علم المكتبات والمعلومات).

ويُتاح محرك البحث من خلال الرابط التالي: http://modernlibrariantools.blogspot.com.eg/p/blog-page_1.html 

في انتظار آرائكم الرائعة ومقترحاتكم الثرية والتى من شأنها تحسين عملية البحث والنتائج.

خالص تحياتي وتقديري،
د. غدير مجدي عبد الوهاب

29 أكتوبر 2017

أعمال الاجتماعات السنوية لجمعية علوم وتكنولوجيا المعلومات Association for Information Science and Technology!

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،

السادة زوار المدونة الكرام، أقدم لحضراتكم النصوص الكاملة للاجتماعات السنوية لجمعية علوم وتكنولوجيا المعلومات Association for Information Science and Technology، والمتاحة من خلال الرابط التالي: https://www.asist.org/publications/annual-meeting-proceedings

خالص تحياتي وتقديري،
د. غدير مجدي عبد الوهاب

18 أكتوبر 2017

ندوات مجانية للمكتبيين تُقدم عبر شبكة الإنترنت 77!

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،

السادة زوار المدونة الكرام، أقدم لكم اليوم مجموعة جديدة من الندوات المهنية المتخصصة في مجال المكتبات والمعلومات والتى يتم عقدها وبثها عبر شبكة الإنترنت مجاناً، وفيما يلي عرضاً مفصلاً لها.

Infopeople Webinars

“New Books for Storytime”

Date & Time: October 18th, 2017. 12:00 PM

Presenter: Penny Peck

Description: Are you looking for new picture books to offer at your story times? Story times are one of the most popular and consistent library programs held for families, yet we often feature the “tried and true” books we have used for years. This webinar will focus on new picture books that will engage the story time audience, including books that invite audience participation, books the promote the five parent practices (talking, singing, writing, playing, and reading), books based on songs and nursery rhymes, books that promote pre literacy skills and kindergarten readiness, and websites useful to story time planning.

At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will have learned about many new books that can be included in story times, including:

* Attention-holding books for babies and young toddlers

* Cumulative, circular, sing-along, and audience participation books that enliven story times

* Books that promote the Five Parent Practices to add parent learning to your story times

* Informational books that engage young listeners

* Books that promote pre literacy skills and kindergarten readiness

* Books that reflect the diversity of the families we serve

This webinar will be of interest to any library staff member who provides storytime programs to children, including new children’s librarians or other library staff who are relatively new to serving children. This webinar is particularly valuable for support staff whose work includes children's services responsibilities at public libraries and elementary schools.

Webinars are free of charge, you can pre-register by clicking on the Register Now button at the top of this page. If you pre-registered, you will receive an email with login link and a reminder email the day before the event.

“Making Training Stick: An Interactive Webinar for Supervisors”

Date & Time: October 24th, 2017. 10:00 AM

Presenters: Andrew Sanderbeck, Terry McQuown, Brenda Hough

Description: Organizations invest a lot of time and money each year training their employees, but are they truly getting the best return on their investment? As a supervisor, one of your key responsibilities is to develop your staff, including identifying the need and sending them to training programs.

In this interactive and informative webinar, Terry, Andrew and Brenda will introduce supervisors to “transfer of training” in order to help them understand various tools and strategies to support their staff in using more of their learning on the job. They’ll also explain the critical differences that supervisors make in the success and/or failure of employee training in any organization. 
At the end of this program, participants will be able to: 

* Describe the role supervisor’s play in helping staff transfer learning from training to the job

* Identify practical tools and strategies that they can start using immediately to help their staff transfer learning from training to the job

* Overcome possible barriers to using transfer of training

This program will help organizations get more out of the trainings they send their staff to, rather than simply sending their staff to more trainings.

Webinars are free of charge. Special note: this webinar is a collaboration between Infopeople and Niche Academy(link is external). You can pre-register for clicking on the Register Now button at the top of this page which will take you to the Niche Academy registration page.

WebJunction Webinar

“Getting Started with Social Media for Your Library”


Date & Time: Tuesday, October 24, 2017. 2:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) 

Presenters: Jess Bacon, Executive Editor and Founder, The 5 Minute Librarian; and Amy Hitchner, Collaborative Programming Coordinator, Colorado State Library

Description: Social media has the potential to increase community engagement with new and existing library patrons. Join us to learn how libraries can effectively use social media tools, even with limited staff and time. Learn how to identify the appropriate social media platforms to market library services and events, and how to integrate best social media practices in your library's marketing plan. We’ll help you build a foundation for your social media strategy and provide practical ideas and tactics for immediate use in your library.

Carterette Series Webinar (Georgia Library Association and the Georgia Public Library Service)

“More Than an Editing Party: Why and How You Should Organize a Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon”

Date & Time: October 18, 2017. 2pm Eastern (11am Pacific | 12pm Mountain | 1pm Central)


- Emily Jack is the Community Engagement Librarian at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She manages the library’s social media presence and coordinates efforts, including Wikipedia edit-a-thons, that engage the UNC community in research and learning activities outside of the curriculum.

- Kristan Shawgo is a Social Sciences Librarian at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, serving as the library liaison for the departments and centers of Public Policy, Women’s & Gender Studies, Sociology, Sexuality Studies, the Carolina Women’s Center, and the LGBTQ Center.
Therese Triumph is a Science Liaison Librarian for the Kenan Science Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and began her career in science as an engineer working in the renewable energy field. She has held three “Women in Science” wiki edit-a-thons with the “Women in Science and Engineering” graduate group.

- Alice Whiteside is the Head of the Sloane Art Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has participated in Art + Feminism since its launch in 2014, helping to organize Wikipedia edit-a-thons at Mount Holyoke College, the Rhode Island School of Design, and most recently UNC-Chapel Hill.

Description: Wikipedia, the global volunteer-edited reference source, has grown from a scrappy upstart to being regarded (sometimes reluctantly) as a mainstay of our information landscape. But while Wikipedia now has more than five million articles in English, it still contains gaps in coverage that stem from the demographics of its editors. Since 2013, a group of librarians at the University of North Carolina has coordinated and hosted nearly twenty Wikipedia edit-a-thons with the goal of eliminating those gaps. At these events, participants have developed articles on women in art, science, and math; regional African American and Native American history; and local practitioners of traditional arts.

The librarians at UNC are not operating in a vacuum, but are part of a worldwide community of GLAM (gallery, library, archives, and museum) professionals bringing their unique expertise to the Wiki movement. In this session, four of them will discuss their experiences and the broader role of librarians in the Wiki world. The presenters will focus especially on the edit-a-thon program at UNC-Chapel Hill, discussing event outcomes, addressing the benefits and challenges of hosting an edit-a-thon, and sharing tips, advice, and step-by-step resources for librarians considering their own involvement in Wikipedia.

OCLC Webinars
“How CONTENTdm works: An online demonstration”

Date & Time: Wednesday, October 18, 2017. 2:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) 

Description: During this one-hour CONTENTdm® demonstration, you will:

 - Hear how you can simplify management of your digital collections to make the collections more discoverable on the Web

- Find out how the responsive design interface allows users to access digital content from anywhere on any device

- Learn about CONTENTdm’s support for the The International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF), APIs that allows CONTENTdm collection owners to showcase their unique resources in new ways and give scholars and researchers better options for viewing and comparing visual resources within and across repositories

- See examples of how libraries, archives, museums and other cultural heritage institutions are using the service to highlight their unique collections around the world.

“Product Insights: Resource Sharing”

Date & Time: Wednesday, October 25, 2017. 1:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) 

Description: Join OCLC product management staff for a product insight gathering session on Resource Sharing. Product Insights sessions are designed to gather community feedback on existing functionality and workflows, review new feature requirements, discuss new ideas for improving products, and maybe show-off a wireframe or two. These insight sessions are open for all community members to attend.

Registration: https://oclc.webex.com/mw3200/mywebex/default.do?nomenu=true&siteurl=oclc&service=6&rnd=0.41475244185729954&main_url=https%3A%2F%2Foclc.webex.com%2Fec3200%2Feventcenter%2Fevent%2FeventAction.do%3FtheAction%3Ddetail%26%26%26EMK%3D4832534b0000000471a984e554bbf6b65ca3ca1d29b7856ff95fb06d61292b458ce620d264f312bc%26siteurl%3Doclc%26confViewID%3D68013297269511101%26encryptTicket%3DSDJTSwAAAAQgzn235EO7jRIjk-tbACfoVjEA_9B2W5ySJuA6Ibf8Tw2%26

“CONTENTdm in a modern world: A panel discussion of current users”

Date & Time: Wednesday, October 25, 2017. 2:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)


- Joshua Roberts, Digital Initiatives & Systems Librarian for University Libraries at The University of the Arts

- Carol Acquaviva, Librarian and Digital Archivist at Marin County Free Library

- Claudia Rivers, Head of the Special Collections Department at the University of Texas at El Paso Library

Description: Join us for an online panel discussion with three librarians using CONTENTdm® to build, manage and provide online access to their institution’s unique digital collections. You’ll learn how through technology and collaboration, these organizations engage users and promote their collections to benefit the community.

Registration: https://oclc.webex.com/mw3200/mywebex/default.do?nomenu=true&siteurl=oclc&service=6&rnd=0.8329590333890033&main_url=https%3A%2F%2Foclc.webex.com%2Fec3200%2Feventcenter%2Fevent%2FeventAction.do%3FtheAction%3Ddetail%26%26%26EMK%3D4832534b00000004860522f68418555bd6ace25864e833b93eabc995d6b85f42fc8cc3a5a080cdfc%26siteurl%3Doclc%26confViewID%3D73450331377275421%26encryptTicket%3DSDJTSwAAAARWpRNeRtVAcA1jlxLPSpEG-zRWawogPTgrN9SvVJUR6Q2%26

“Sustainable Collection Services: A brief introduction”

Date & Time: Thursday, October 26, 2017. 2:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) 

Description: This session will start with a brief overview of the monograph management landscape, where you’ll learn:

- About issues facing local print book collections

- Ways you can use data to drive decisions about your physical library collections

- How sharing, archiving or removing monographs can help you transform valuable library space.

Registration: https://oclc.webex.com/mw3200/mywebex/default.do?nomenu=true&siteurl=oclc&service=6&rnd=0.7141795605451328&main_url=https%3A%2F%2Foclc.webex.com%2Fec3200%2Feventcenter%2Fevent%2FeventAction.do%3FtheAction%3Ddetail%26%26%26EMK%3D4832534b000000042220a6aa967c59384df67b4d229caa2d3dea4a6d1c23ca131c2b3a43e56cce2a%26siteurl%3Doclc%26confViewID%3D68633802433400958%26encryptTicket%3DSDJTSwAAAAS_rJKScxBpAaJqkkRKmtcDnZU7alfI2OFL1ZT-fdhTGQ2%26

خالص تحياتي وتقديري،
د. غدير مجدي عبد الوهاب