أقسام المدونة - أخر تحديث: 20/9/2020

31 يوليو 2013

ندوات مجانية للمكتبيين تُقدم عبر شبكة الإنترنت 28!

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،

السادة زوار المدونة الكرام، أقدم لكم اليوم مجموعة جديدة من الندوات المهنية المتخصصة في مجال المكتبات والمعلومات والتى يتم عقدها وبثها عبر شبكة الإنترنت مجاناً، وفيما يلي عرضاً مفصلاً لها.

Infopeople Webinars

"Civic Engagement in Your Library Community - A Guided Tour of the Book-to-Action Program and Toolkit"

Date & Time: Tuesday, August 6, 2013. Start Time: Pacific - 12 PM, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM.


- Do you want to try something new in library programming?
- Feel like your library could play a more active role in your community?
- Are you looking for ways to build partnerships with community organizations?
- Interested in building programs that promote intergenerational relationships?
- Want to promote volunteer activities that simultaneously engage community members more fully in the library and in support of community-based projects and organizations?

Book-to-Action is an innovative library program being implemented in libraries throughout California. Funded by IMLS/LSTA, Book-to-Action programs have offered California residents both the opportunity to collectively read and discuss a book and to put their newfound knowledge and perspective into action by engaging in a community service project related to the book’s topic. The activities and guidelines presented in the Tool-Kit are now available and will be of great value to libraries everywhere. Book-to-Action offers libraries a new way to collaborate with and support organizations doing vital work in local communities, and to expand the role of the public library by mobilizing volunteers in work that enhances civic engagement.

At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will:

- Know how to use the Book-to-Action Toolkit to:
* select an engaging book,
* collaborate with community partners,
* choose a service project,
* engage volunteers, and
* organize a successful program.
- Know about five projects implemented in California, to help direct your planning of a Book-to-Action program in your community.
- Know common challenges and how to overcome them.
- Have an overview of 15 tips for a successful event.

This webinar will be of interest to public library staff responsible for planning programs serving adults, teens, and children. Webinar participants are encouraged to view the 4-minute video “From Book-to-Action: One Library’s Story” prior to joining the webinar and to download the Tool-Kit, available at: http://booktoaction.library.ca.gov

Presenters:  Sally Thomas and Mary Menzel

Webinars are free of charge; you can pre-register by clicking on the Join Webinar button now or go directly to the webinar by clicking on Join Webinar within 30 of the start of the event. If you pre-registered you will receive an email with login link and a reminder email the day before the event. If you did not preregister and you can register in the 30 minutes prior to the event and directly enter.

"Advanced Search for Beginners: Navigating the latest release of the American FactFinder – Part 2"

Date & Time: Wednesday, August 14, 2013. Start Time: Pacific - 12 PM, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM.


NOTE: This entire webinar will consist of “hands-on” exercises using Census Bureau online tools and data from the 2010 Census and the American Community Survey. We strongly urge you to print the handouts in advance..

American FactFinder Part 2 of 2

Do you need to know?
- All the counties in California with a Filipino population of 10,000 or more?
- How the home values in Santa Rosa changed between 2007 and 2011?
- How to create tables and maps for your “service area,” a geography you customize for a grant application?

Linda Clark, data dissemination specialist for the U. S. Census Bureau, will guide you through the latest version of the American FactFinder database.

At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will be able to:

- Use a residential address to find demographic data for a neighborhood
- Customize a map to display and compare census tracts within a city on a particular topic, such as poverty
- Modify the look of a data table by transposing rows and columns and applying customized filters to refine results
- Download tables and maps into a variety of formats for presentation or for further manipulation
- Preserve search parameters permanently for future use

This webinar will be of interest to public libraries, medical libraries, law libraries, school and university libraries, reference desk staff, and all others engaged in providing customer service to people needing Census data.

Series Information
(Links to archives)

Webinar 1: American FactFinder – Part 1
Webinar 2: American FactFinder – Part 2

Presenter: Linda Clark

Webinars are free of charge; you can pre-register by clicking on the Join Webinar button now or go directly to the webinar by clicking on Join Webinar within 30 of the start of the event. If you pre-registered you will receive an email with login link and a reminder email the day before the event. If you did not preregister and you can register in the 30 minutes prior to the event and directly enter.

"Inclusive Library Programs for People with Intellectual Disabilities"

Date & Time: Tuesday, August 20, 2013. Start Time: Pacific - 12 PM, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM.


Inclusive Library Programs for People with Intellectual Disabilities

- Do community-based groups of people with intellectual disabilities visit your library on a regular basis?
- Are parents of, and children with disabilities encouraged to participate in Storytime and Summer Reading activities?
- Do you know how to communicate in “people first” language?

Libraries have always strived to create structurally accessible facilities in order to accommodate all users regardless of physical disabilities. However, has your library considered creating inclusive programs designed to break attitudinal barriers, in order to promote library access?
This webinar will guide library staff toward creating, promoting and implementing a library environment that supports users with intellectual disabilities – from identifying community partners and outreach and creating inclusive programming – to staff sensitivity training. This webinar is designed to equip staff with the tools to create a library experience that is inclusive to all users, including those with disabilities.

At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will:

- Be able to define Inclusive Library Programs
- Recognize at least one opportunity that already exists in your library for Inclusive Programs
- Understand how attitude can affect library accessibility
- Know how to find support and information for planning and implementing Inclusive Library Programs
- Know how to identify community partners
- Understand and know how to communicate using “people first” language

This webinar will be of interest to public library staff working with adults and youth; disability services staff; volunteer coordinators; and generally those interested in providing greater accessibility to library programs for adults and/or children with disabilities.

Presenters: Kathy Middleton, Noelle Burch and Alison McKee 

Webinars are free of charge; you can pre-register by clicking on the Join Webinar button now or go directly to the webinar by clicking on Join Webinar within 30 of the start of the event. If you pre-registered you will receive an email with login link and a reminder email the day before the event. If you did not preregister and you can register in the 30 minutes prior to the event and directly enter.

"Collections: Making Smart Choices within a Limited Materials Budget"

Date & Time: Thursday, August 22, 2013. Start Time: Pacific - 12 PM, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM.


Collections - Making the Right Choices

- Did you take Collection Development in library school but still feel like you don’t know what you’re doing most of the time?
- Have changes in the publishing world like the explosion of self-publishing and eBooks left you doubting your selection skills?
- What does a “balanced” collection look like and is it achievable with a limited budget?

In today’s high demand/low budget environment, meeting community needs through collection development is more challenging than ever. In this webinar, participants will learn how the collection development “nuts and bolts” they learned in library school (or maybe didn’t) can be applied in the real world. We’ll discuss everything from how to make a simple and usable collection development plan to new trends and resources that should be influencing your decisions.

At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will know:

- The difference between a collection policy and collection plan and what should be include in each.
- Three ways to make smart collection funding allocations and choices based on real world data relevant to their community’s needs.
- Three non-traditional selection methods and resources and how to use them effectively.

This webinar will be of interest to materials selectors in public libraries, directors, and managers.

Presenters:  Jennifer Baker and Anthony Halstead

Webinars are free of charge; you can pre-register by clicking on the Join Webinar button now or go directly to the webinar by clicking on Join Webinar within 30 of the start of the event. If you pre-registered you will receive an email with login link and a reminder email the day before the event. If you did not preregister and you can register in the 30 minutes prior to the event and directly enter.

Booklist webinars 

"Back to School with the Common Core"

Date & Time: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 1:00 pm Central Daylight Time (Chicago, GMT-05:00). 

Description: Whether or not your state has adopted the Common Core State Standards, you’ll find a wealth of terrific tips for linking books to the curriculum in this back-to-school presentation. Preview new and upcoming titles from Albert Whitman & Company, Capstone, DK Publishing, Reference Point Press, and Scholastic Library Publishing in this free, hour-long program moderated by Gillian Engberg, Booklist’s Books for Youth Editorial Director.

"YA Announcements: Falling Into Books"

Date & Time: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 1:00 pm Central Daylight Time (Chicago, GMT-05:00). 

Description: Fall is just around the corner, and the smell of new books is in the air. Please join us as representatives from Bloomsbury Children’s Books, Disney Book Group, Egmont, Harlequin Teen, and Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group share their new teen titles for fall and beyond. Booklist’s Books for Youth associate editor Ann Kelley moderates this free, hour-long webinar.

WebJunction Webinars

"Where Teens and Technology Meet: engaging teens with digital media"

Date & Time: 08 August 2013. 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time [UTC -4].

Description: At Howard County Library System’s HiTech Digital Media Lab, teens are developing critical 21st century skills and being guided toward careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Founded on innovative teaching methods which demonstrate that teens learn most effectively through hands-on projects and peer-to-peer communications, HiTech provides curriculum that is both self-paced and structured, offering an array of classes and projects for youth to select. The community response has been remarkable. Youth are on waiting lists to register for opportunities to explore and learn about STEM principles while having fun in the process.

HiTech is funded in part through a federal grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and IMLS. Sponsors include Friends of Howard County Library, and Frank and Yolanda Bruno.

Presenter:  Angela Brade, Chief Operating Officer, Support Services, Howard County Library System

"Marketing Libraries: What the not-for-profits can learn from the lots-of-profits"

Date & Time: 29 August 2013. 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time [UTC -4].

Description: You built it and promoted it, but they didn’t come? Libraries can learn from marketing strategies that for-profit organizations use. Get beyond the one-off approach to promotion. Explore how to build "ambient awareness," establishing your library as an authoritative source and a definitive provider of services for the community. Learn how to use social media not only for communication, but as a tool to monitor and document the impact of the library. Get your whole team on board to tell the library’s convincing story of its impact on your community.

Presenter:  Ned Potter, author of the Library Marketing Toolkit, speaker, and academic librarian at the University of York, UK

TechSoup Webinar

"TechSoup Tours"

Date & Time: Thu, Aug 8, 2013. 11:00 AM PDT.

Description: In this 45-minute tour of TechSoup, learn how to join, register your organization, and request donated software, hardware, and services. TechSoup’s product donation programs make myriad resources donated by companies like Microsoft, Adobe, Cisco, and more available to eligible nonprofits, charities, public libraries, and foundations!

Join us for a step-by-step walk-through of how to get started! This event is best suited for nonprofit and library staff in the United States who are new to TechSoup or would like a quick tour of how to get more out of our donation programs.

Presenter: Ale Bezdikian, Ale is the Online Community and Social Media Coordinator for the Global Media team here at TechSoup Global, where she assists in the production of interactive events and videos, as well as writes on a variety of technology topics for nonprofits and public libraries.

 Library Journal Webinars

"Inspired Reading: New Titles in Christian Fiction"

Date & Time: Tuesday, August 20, 2013, 3:00-4:00 PM ET/12:00 – 1:00 PM PT.

Description: From apocalyptic adventures to intricate Amish relationships, Christian fiction is so much more than devotion. Whether you are looking for some good clean romance or exciting protagonists guided by the Spirit, this webcast is for you. Discover the latest offerings from David C. Cooke, Kregel Publications, and WaterBrook Multnomah and pick up some inspired reading this fall!


Karen Stoller- Marketing Manager, David C. Cook Publishing. Karen Stoller is the marketing manager for the fiction titles at David C Cook.  She has worked in the Christian publishing industry for the past 18 years.

Adam Ferguson- Chief Publicist, Kregel Publications. Adam Ferguson is Chief Publicist at Kregel Publications. He has served as Publicist at Baker Publishing Group as well as a “two-man” publisher for Hotel magnate and entrepreneur Jack DeBoer’sRisk Only Money.

Amy Haddock- Senior Marketing Manager, WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group. Amy Haddock is a Senior Marketing Manager for the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group, a division of Random House. She has focused on marketing fiction titles in her five years in publishing. She lives in Colorado Springs.

Moderator: Wilda Williams- Fiction Editor, Library Journal

Can’t make it August 20? No problem! Register now and you will get an email reminder from Library Journal post-live event when the webcast is archived and available for on-demand viewing at your convenience!

"Read Out Loud: LGBTQ Book Buzz"

Date & Time: Thursday, August 29, 2013, 3:00-4:00 PM ET/12:00 – 1:00 PM PT.

Description: Join Library Journal for a discussion on some of the finest LGBTQ literature. Featuring Bold Strokes Books, Dreamspinner, Samhain Publishing, and Riptide Publishing, hear about forthcoming titles and stock you collection with books to meet the demand of the growing interests in LGBTQ literature!


Len Barot- President, Bold Strokes Books, Inc. Len Barot, MD is the founder and president of Bold Strokes Books Inc, an independent LGBTQ publisher. Under the pseudonym Radclyffe, she has published over forty romance and romantic intrigue novels as well as dozens of short stories, and has edited numerous romance and erotica anthologies. She is an eight-time Lambda Literary Award finalist in romance, mystery, and erotica; an RWA/FF&P Prism, RWA/FTHOR Lories, RWA New England Beanpot, and RWA VCRW Laurel Wreath award winner; a Benjamin Franklin and ForeWord Review Book of the Year winner, and a member of the Saints and Sinners Literary Hall of Fame. Bold Strokes Books releases over 100 new titles annually in adult and YA LGBTQ fiction.

Jenn Stark- Marketing Manager, Samhain Publishing. Jenn Stark is the Marketing and Publicity Manager for Samhain Publishing. A twenty-year veteran of branding and marketing communications, she is also an award-winning writer who is thrilled to be sharing Samhain’s extraordinary stories of love and romance with an ever-broader audience.

Ariel Tachna- Social media and translations coordinator, Dreamspinner Press. Ariel Tachna is the social media and translations coordinator at Dreamspinner Press. She has been with the company for three years after sixteen years in public eduction and prides herself on her knowledge of the company’s catalog and authors.

Sarah Frantz- Riptide Publishing. Sarah has a Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Michigan. She edited two academic collections, Women Constructing Men: Female Novelists and Their Male Characters, 1750-2000 (Lexington, 2009) and New Perspectives on Popular Romance Fiction: Critical Essays (McFarland, 2012). She is founder and past president of the International Association for the Study of Popular Romance. Sarah comes to editing from two directions: from her academic work on popular romance studies and from reviewing for Dear Author.

Can’t make it August 29th? No problem! Register now and you will get an email reminder from Library Journal post-live event when the webcast is archived and available for on-demand viewing at your convenience!

 OCLC Webinars

"Implications and Opportunities of Big Data Viewing Party"

Date & Time: August 6, 2013. 4:00 to 5:00 pm, UTC/GMT-8.

Description: Join Alaska State Library for a local viewing party on the “Implications and Opportunities of Big Data.” This online event is part of OCLC’s new series of cooperative-wide conversations called, “Collective Insight: Driven by Shared Data.” Data is an essential driver of success for libraries. This viewing party will utilize video from the OCLC Americas Member Meeting and Symposium at ALA Midwinter 2013, which featured Alistair Croll, Principal Analyst at Bitcurrent. Come prepared to participate in a local discussion on Big Data and Alistair’s insights into how Big Data intersects the world of library and information services.

"Real Transcripts/Real Analysis: building blocks for online reference assessment"

Date & Time: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 12:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00). 

Description: Presented by Cynthia Johnson and Caitlin Plovnik of UC Irvine, this interactive session will demonstrate what makes certain reference interactions go from "good" to "great." Part of the QuestionPoint "Best Practices in Virtual Reference" series.

"WorldShare Interlibrary Loan: Update and Chat with the OCLC Team"

Date & Time:  Wednesday, August 21, 2013. 1:00 p.m., Eastern Time.

Description: This program will include an overview of new features now available in WorldShare Interlibrary Loan as well as information about plans for future enhancements to the service. You will also have an opportunity to chat with members of the WorldShare Interlibrary Loan team about effective ways to use the new service, best practices they have observed from early users – and any other topics of interest to you.


"Streamlining management, discovery and access of print collections with OCLC WorldShare Management Services"

Date & Time: Wednesday, August 21. 2:00 pm, Eastern (11:00 am, Pacific). 

Description: During this live, one-hour demonstration, you’ll see how OCLC WorldShare® Management Services simplify library management workflows and improve discovery and access of your library’s physical collections, including print materials, journals and serials. Q&A will follow the demonstration.

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